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Complete 8 page APA formatted essay: Business Report: Murray Goulburn Dairy Products.Download file to see previous pages... The growing section of Murray Goulburn's domestic business is represented by

Complete 8 page APA formatted essay: Business Report: Murray Goulburn Dairy Products.

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The growing section of Murray Goulburn's domestic business is represented by an estimated 20% of MG's turnover. This section covers a variety of products that are being offered to the Australian consumer. (Stock &amp. Land, 2009 and Murray Goulburn, 2009)

These products are either manufactured after signing contracts of packing arrangements with the Food Service wholesalers and key retailers, or marketed by Devondale, which is Murray Goulburn's own brand. In last few years, this section has gone through lot of diversification and grown substantially. (Murray Goulburn, 2009)

Devondale is one of the very few Australian daily brands that are distributed all over the country. Devondale products can be bough from any supermarket chains in Australia. Devondale's main products are UHT Milk, Reduced Fat, Mild, and Tasty Cheddar Cheeses, and Soft Butter Spread. Devondale has also maintained a Value added range of products including the SMART, a range of Reduced Fat Devondale Light and UHT Milks. It also includes a range of 40% Fat Dairy Spreads with 50% less fat than margarines. These products are aimed at particular segments of the market. (Murray Goulburn, not dated)

People who are health conscious find these products very beneficial. ...

These segments are formed after long term retail links and a history of working in close contact with the consumers in order to satisfy their exacting standards. (Murray Goulburn, not dated)

Murray Goulburn works in collaboration with the major Australian Food Service wholesalers. This division has been growing year after year. Most of the sales come from UHT categories, Cheese, and Butter. However, the division has also introduced new products, for instance Liquid Cheddar Cheese. (Murray Goulburn, not dated)

Murray Goulburn's success in the Dairy consumer market relies extensively on its Research and Development. With it's main objective being the satisfaction of its consumers, Murray Goulburn continues to improve processes to make the products more innovative. It also manages to keep its place intact as a market leader by maintaining low cost production procedures. Close relations with the customers in order to enhance the product development, is the key to Murray Goulburn's success. (Murray Goulburn, not dated)

Murray Goulburn has great capability of research and development of its own operations, and it manages to perform even better because of its collaboration with the global research facilities. This keeps Murray Goulburn at the forefront when it comes to dairy technology. (Murray Goulburn, not dated)

A 250 ml daily intake of milk can keep the bones strong, enhance the energy levels, boost cardiovascular health, and improve immunity. In today's day and age, in order to sustain growth in the market, Dairy companies need to go beyond this level. For this purpose, successful dairy companies have spent millions on research and development in order to maximize the benefits from milk.

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