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Complete 8 page APA formatted essay: Title ...liability without fault on the part of the producer is the sole means of adequately solving the problem, peculia.Download file to see previous pages... Th

Complete 8 page APA formatted essay: Title ...liability without fault on the part of the producer is the sole means of adequately solving the problem, peculia.

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This phenomenon has impacted significantly on the relationship between consumers and traders causing the principle of consumer autonomy almost inapplicable. “Advertisement has played a critical role in influencing consumer demand for goods and services despite the fact that there might be some 1defects on the advertised products.” 1 The practice of a number of firms producing similar commodities also influences consumer’s behaviours when purchasing such products. The highlighted issues call for measures that will ensure that the welfare of the consumers gets the protection it requires. However, there has been a number of consumer protection Acts, but it is argued that none of them has managed to achieve the desired consumer protection. The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade practice Act and the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act have at least made significant impacts in protecting consumers from exploitation and against adulterated and sub-standard products.1 The consumer protection bill of 1987 In order to ensure there is a better protection of consumer’s interests, the consumer protection bill of 1987 was introduced. The main objective during the introduction of the consumer protection bill was to provide better protection of consumer interests. ...

ducts that are harmful to humans and property. right to get information regarding the quality, quantity, price, standard, purity, and potency of products for the purpose of protecting consumers against unlawful trade practices. the right to receive audience and get a guarantee that consumer interests will get due attention at appropriate forums. the right to go for a redress against unjust trade practices or corrupt exploitation of 2consumers. and the right to receive consumer education.2 From the outlined rights, it is clear that the consumer is the main beneficiary of this legislation. However, this legislation provides a chance to forward looking firms to realize that it is their interest to bring to an end unfair competition from firms that neglect consumer rights. Therefore, the Act is relevant to everyone interested in the safety of goods and services getting into the market.2 The first part of the Act came into action in 1988. The first part applies in Great Britain alone, but there is a similar provision for Northern Ireland. The second part of the consumer protection Act contains provisions on consumer safety. This section came into place in 1987 and applies throughout the UK.3 Product liability This is a provision that enables people injured by defective products to sue for damages. Therefore, product liability refers to the laws affecting such rights. Before the introduction of the product liability, injured people had to prove the manufacture’s negligence before making a successful sue for damages. However, the consumer protection Act cleared the need to prove for negligence. This allows the consumer to sue the supplier without proving for negligence under the law governing the sale of goods.

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