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Complete a research paper covering both theories – present the histories, main ideas, examples of how they explain deviant behaviors, etc.Compare and contrast the two theories.Create your own example

  • Complete a research paper covering both theories – present the histories, main ideas, examples of how they explain deviant behaviors, etc.
  • Compare and contrast the two theories.
  • Create your own example of deviance and apply both theories to your example.
  • Using your example, identify which social work interventions you could use to help the person in need.

Length expectation is a minimum of 6 full pages (if you are covering all topics in the directions, you should have no issues meeting this minimum requirement). APA format is required. Please use headings through out your paper so that each required section is easily identified. The cover page, abstract and reference page do not count towards the minimum requirement of 6 pages.

Theories of Deviance (Social Strain Theory)

link: (Theory & Deviance: Crash Course Sociology #19. (2017, July 24). [Video]. YouTube.

Differential Association Theory

link: (TRS Psychology. (2018, Aug 13). 7. Differential Association Theory. YouTube.

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