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Compose a 1000 words assignment on decison making. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1000 words assignment on decison making. Needs to be plagiarism free! The routine decision making can be sub divided into different forms based on several variables that differentiate them. however, the two broad categories of decision making are programmed decisions and non-programmed decisions (O Brien, 1999).

A programmed decision is, simply put, a decision that has a fine structure and occurs rather frequently, with less exceptions. Such decisions are relatively easier to make as they follow a pretty standardized procedure. a simple example of the same can be answering a customer query or solving a customer query such as password retrieval. A non-programmed decision is exact complement of the former. non-programmed decisions are more about exceptional handling rather than routine work out, for such decisions, there is less structure of any formal procedures that would resolve the issue. Accordingly, the frequency of occurrence is lesser. Purchase of fixed asset, based on frequency of occurrence can be a non-programmed procedure but since the process of purchase is well defined, it does not qualify for the same. The purchase of a house or a television would be a rather non-programmed decision.

In this section, the steps for rational decision making are applied to the given case.

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