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Compose a 1250 words essay on Loss And Grief: Guide Towards Spiritual Growth. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... The illusion that power gives happiness, has led humani

Compose a 1250 words essay on Loss And Grief: Guide Towards Spiritual Growth. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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The illusion that power gives happiness, has led humanity to suffer from immense loss, misery and grief. On social level, human beings have experienced misery through havocs like wars, genocides, massacres, mob attacks, revolutions etc. On individual level, human beings experience misery through psychological and physical problems like depression, stress, diseases, anxiety, unending chains of desires etc. However, people still go on making mistakes without realizing the ‘signs’ they get from their ‘inner self’. In such a scenario, the only thing that makes them to stop and realize the bondage of vicious cycle is some highly unexpected untoward happening in their lives. An experience of loss and grief suddenly shatters the illusions of human beings. Loss and grief makes a person realize that he is not in control of his life but is just a part of the ‘whole,’ which is much bigger than his individual self. Hence, loss and grief has a potential to transform human being’s life as it makes him to open himself to the spiritual guidance which helps him to search for happiness in right place, which is inside his ‘divine self’ and in God....

According to Stone and Stone (2004), by the time a person reaches mid-adulthood, he realizes that although money serves many purposes, it is certainly not the most important aspect of life (Walter and McCoyd 2009, p. 266). He realizes that true happiness lies somewhere else. When the illusion and the idea, that material pleasure can bring happiness is shattered, then human beings turn their search towards those things that bring the true happiness in their lives. However, what really breaks the illusions and misunderstanding of people is not contemplation or intellect, but the loss and grief that they experience in life. ‘Loss’ creates one of the greatest challenges in human being’s life (Thompson 2007, p.70). Human beings, who are mostly driven by their intellect, aggressive mind and ego, find it difficult to accept the things that occur against their wishes. Hence, a serious loss in life generates an intense crisis in human being’s life (Thompson 2007, p.70). Especially, death of loved ones makes people aware that one day, even they are going to die and hence, awakens them to spiritual dimensions of life (Thompson 2007, p.70). However, death is not the only thing that creates loss in life (Thompson 2007, p.74). People experience loss of different things through different problems like divorce, unemployment, accidents, and breakdown in relationship etc (Thompson 2007, p.74). These untoward happenings lead to loss of loved ones, financial security, social status, health, source of income etc (Thompson 2007, p.74). Hence, loss can be experienced through different incidences.

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