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Compose a 1500 words essay on Deskilling and flow of capital: Marginalised workforce in twenty first century. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... This organisational str

Compose a 1500 words essay on Deskilling and flow of capital: Marginalised workforce in twenty first century. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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This organisational structural change has its impact in the socio-political economy of the whole world. While there are campaigns in developed world against flow of capital and jobs to the developing world, the latter is making huge financial gains from the new move. This has also helped in extending capitalist ideologies beyond the continents and diluting Marxist and Communist ideologies in many countries such as China, Vietnam and India. Decentralisation is catching up strongly in the industrial world and it is considered as a potential weapon for competitive advantage. Today workforce of an institution has been totally disintegrated, where one part of the organisation working in United States and other sections in other parts of the world such as China and India. It is the word "outsourcing", which conquered industrial hearts all over the world. Today it is easy to judge how skill levels of work force will affect the economy of a state or a region. At the same time there are remotely controlled management systems to judge the quality of work, which is done in a far away a place. In this context there is large scope to analise and examine the importance of technology in the skill level of labour force. In mid part of 20th century there were large debates and discussions over the impact of technology on the labour force. There were arguments that adaptation of newer technology and management practices would help the capitalist forces to alienate labour forces. The word deskilling got more attention during those debates.

The politics and tactics of 'deskilling' was first mentioned by Harry Braverman in his famous book 'Labour and Monopoly Capital- The degradation of work in the twentieth century" in 1974. But there are also opinions that deskilling thesis has its genesis in Marx's model of capital control. (Whalley Peter, Deskilling Engineers The Labour Process, Labour Markets and Labour Segmentation Social Problems, 1984). But it was Harry Braverman, who has given clarity on the deskilling. According to his deskilling thesis, workers would be driven away from the production process while separating conception and execution of work assigned to them and specifying the methods of completing work tasks. His argument was that the deskilling of the labour would help the capitalist manager or owner to reduce cost and improve productivity. According to Braverman, deskilled labour is cheap and easily controllable.

Braverman has introduced his thesis to counter two new schools of thoughts in America in the late 1960's, which emerged within social scientists. H Marcuse, a German social philosopher in his book 'One Dimensional Man' argued that the affluence of advanced capitalism has created a mass consumer culture among the working class and they were sans to be a working class no longer. Other School of thought was Human Capital Theory Chicago School, which says that in the post industrial society, technical change is eradicating physical or manual work in manufacturing and service sectors. Also it has been instrumental in the disappearance of working class. It also says that the change of trend in work culture due to technology is eliminating routine manual jobs and creating a new class of labour more skilled and knowledgeable.

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