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Compose a 1500 words essay on Gestalt Therapy. Needs to be plagiarism free!Gestalt therapy, as cited by Staemmler (2009), focuses on the experiential present moment and every individual is caught in a

Compose a 1500 words essay on Gestalt Therapy. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Gestalt therapy, as cited by Staemmler (2009), focuses on the experiential present moment and every individual is caught in a network of relationships. This implies that Gestalt experiments focus on what is happening over what is being talked about. The emphasis is on the phenomenality of both the client and therapist. Burley (1998) asserts that gestalt therapists attempt to increase the client’s awareness while the clients are expected to do their own feeling, sensing, and interpreting. As noted by Brownell (2008), Gestalt therapy is a technique of practicing awareness by means of feeling, perceiving, and acting. The clients learn to be aware of what is being done to him or her and initiate the ability to risk a change. Therefore, the therapy’s objective is to enable the client to be fully and creatively, and free him- or herself from the blocks and unfinished business that might reduce satisfaction, growth, and fulfillment, as well as experiment with ways of being.

Gestalt depends on the contact between the client and therapist. Contact is the interaction with nature and other people exclusive of losing one’s individuality. The relationship between the therapist and the client is considered to be contracted over time. The boundary between self and environment needs to be kept permeable to permit exchanges. If it is lost, it results in a disturbance between the awareness and self. There are various types of contact boundary disturbances associated with Gestalt therapy. In the first place, introjections refer to a situation whereby foreign materials are absorbed without assimilating thus passively incorporating what the environment offers.

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