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Compose a 1750 words essay on Personal Evaluation. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages In the personal evaluation session of the designed training program I have made effor

Compose a 1750 words essay on Personal Evaluation. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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In the personal evaluation session of the designed training program I have made efforts to assess its effectiveness as well as for the improvement of the design by taking inputs from my colleagues from the university. I have summed up some of the important aspects pointed out by them.

The success of the training program is decided always by the impact it has produced in the participants. Having designed a training program for a specific need, its effectiveness can be measured or the quality of the program can be evaluated by various methods. The training program was an interactive session, involving the participants.

In the exercise to the participants, it includes few exercises for addressing a specific leadership trait. the participant can recollect and definitely would have resulted in simultaneous change in their attitude. Designing a program with live examples from day to day affairs will always help in highlighting a problem. However providing a model for this assignment would be more helpful to the target audience.

Donald Kirkpatrick (1994) has devised a model for assessing the effectiveness of training program. The model developed by him evaluates the program at four successive levels. Though the model takes time to critically analyze its effectiveness, it gives a precise measure of the overall program effectiveness.

According to his methods we can adopt to evaluate the session u...

The program should have included criteria to find the previous knowledge, skill and attitudinal status. These assignments may involve laborious work to the trainer and the team involved in program execution but will definitely lead to adequate change in their attitudinal skills and knowledge.

Some of the aspects that were not covered are not providing complete modules for the participants. They would have taken few important tips and principles related to the leadership. Giving them a comprehensive training program on a specific aspect would be still more helpful.

The best designed training program will always have its impact. Putting a lot of thought process in the training design will solve these issues. Organization has to measure the effectiveness of the training program and improve the same for better performance. As indicated in the training program the attitudes and the necessary skill cannot be brought forth overnight, since it is a continuous process the organization has to take necessary steps in achieving the goals of the training.

These kinds of training programs are definitely a good start for an organization which is focused on process improvement. But it should be a continual process in an organization. The program effectiveness can be evaluated in this present case by a simple questionnaire method. The questionnaire will include various levels. the first level will assess their response to training. The next level will assess the change in their attitude and behavior level. The participants have to take time to fill their responses at tow levels.

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