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Compose a 2000 words essay on Do competitive sports contribute to eduction. Needs to be plagiarism free!The results from the consideration of the literature show that games affect the education of sch

Compose a 2000 words essay on Do competitive sports contribute to eduction. Needs to be plagiarism free!

The results from the consideration of the literature show that games affect the education of school going kids both in a positive and negative manner.

There is little to no doubt the impact and importance of games in the lives of school going kids. Playing and participating in different sports and activities is part of the lives of the children (Morgan and Cotten 2003). There is little that we know about any negative health impact that results from kids participating in school co-curricular activities especially games (Asociación, 2013). High school sports, as well as varsity sports, are a significant part of Americas system of civilization (Charles, Marsh, Milne, Morris, Scott and Shamsan, 2008). The athletes receive much attention and admiration from their fellow students for participating in the activities (Auxter, Zittel and Roth, 2010). Asociación RUVID says that the involvement of students in sports improves their performance in school. There have been questions concerning the implications of sports in a persons life (Ahn and Fedewa, 2011). There is little doubt that participating in sports is good for peoples health, including children and teenagers (Greene, 2013). Sports influence the behavior of adolescents as they become disciplined and responsible in every activity they participate in because of the involvement of sports in their lives (Darling, 2005). Sports are a leisure activity among teenagers that help keep them away from trouble (Caplan, 2007).

Modern teenagers and children have resulted in online gaming as it has become familiar with the availability of the internet everywhere and the growth of technology (Block, 2008). Online gaming has become popular as it utilizes the availability of internet connection and multiple players. The kids have an addiction to the games and no longer participate in the actual games on the field (Kormas, Critselis and Tsitsika 2011). There has been no proof suggesting any negative impact of adolescents

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