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Compose a 2000 words essay on It is generally observed that financial systems around the globe perform similar functions, yet when we examine them closely we find that how and what they contribute in

Compose a 2000 words essay on It is generally observed that financial systems around the globe perform similar functions, yet when we examine them closely we find that how and what they contribute in their growth-inducing role is markedly different. Evaluate and discuss this statement. Needs to be plagiarism free!

here is a considerable change in these methods that the transaction cost and use full information concept removed and intimidation become increased in today’s financial market the concept of as an individual who did all the work, become demolish and now intermediation replace their positions. It’s difficult to bring these changes with the traditional method of financing growth. There is also a tendency in the direction of cross border Merger and Acquisitions among great financial service firms in unlike nations. These cross border merger and acquisitions frequently engage big universal sort of institutions that give numerous types of financial services in numerous nations. There are two basic methods which used nowadays that are bank intermediation based method and market based financial system (Leyland and Pyle 1977).

We know that there is a diversification of financial systems in different countries. Most of these countries have bank intermediations and market based financial system but the importance of these systems is comparatively different from each other. The country like the United States has “market based financial system” the financial market has an important role in the financial environment of the country and the banks intimidation is insignificant (Ross Levine 2002).

The other country like Germany has “bank intimidation based” financial market, in this financial environment banks control the allocation of credit and financial markets are not as much important. Besides this is confirmed that the financial system vary from each other according to different countries and due to this the financial growth rate also different for each country according to their selection of the financial system. Different countries select different financial system because every financial system has performed their own functions and due to the difference in the functions vary the financial growth. (Frakline Allen 1997)

Worldwide spread banking is a

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