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Compose a 2000 words essay on The Louis Vuitton Market Strategy. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... Company's efficiency of a finely tuned machine, fueled by ever-incre

Compose a 2000 words essay on The Louis Vuitton Market Strategy. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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Company's efficiency of a finely tuned machine, fueled by ever-increasing productivity in design and manufacturing as Vuitton grows ever-bigger, the ability to step up advertising and global expansion without denting the bottom line. According to competitors who tried to surpass Vuitton stated that their operating metrics are second to none. The fine equilibrium between tradition and innovation reflects in the products of Louis Vuitton. The company has consistently pursued a luxury pricing strategy, which means high markups, limited availability, and few if any markdowns. Louis Vuitton sells its products only through a global network of company-owned stores. This keeps margins high and allows the company to maintain control of its products through every step in the channel. Louis Vuitton uses demographic targeting strategy to target their customers, men as well as women of various age ranges. The financial crisis going on would not disturb world's luxury brands as the luxury goods consumers are well-positioned enough that they just are not at risk to face such factors.

Louis Vuitton opened its first store in China at Palace Hotel in Beijing in 1992. Company has the realization that the Chinese were sophisticated and soon they will be the biggest superpower. Chinese thinks that luxury fashion means the eminent elegance, high quality, taste, and expansive which in turn direct the destination of the trend in the region of China. Louis Vuitton has pursued a consistent approach to develop the market in China, never compromising in the face of difficult operational obstacles, and, as always, controlling every aspect of the business. This unique approach has powered Louis Vuitton to its current position as the most successful luxury brand in China. "Mythologizing Louis Vuitton's service" means, to identify and achieve the objectives and the challenges faced for improving the quality of customer service at each store to enhance customer satisfaction. This recognition of each customer's satisfaction positively affects the brand's reputation, which in turn determines the brand's value.


Interbrand's methodology is a vital action that evaluates brand value on the basis of how much it is likely to earn for the company in the future. Interbrand uses a combination of analysts' projections, company financial documents, and it's own qualitative and quantitative analysis to arrive at a net present value of those earnings. The research methodology and design process would involve primary as well as secondary sources for bringing about substantial studies that are literature based and theoretically inclined for which such research methods utilized may truly serve its first hand purpose for this study. Mostly, research plan spells out the nature of the research to be conducted and includes an explanation of such things as the sample design, measures, and analysis techniques to be used.

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