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Compose a 2250 words assignment on understanding service-dominant logic. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 2250 words assignment on understanding service-dominant logic. Needs to be plagiarism free! S-D logic views consumers as a value creator. Besides, it argues that the S-D perspective of resources offers a significant understanding for firms opting to enter into new markets or intending to launch new products in terms of acquiring competitive traction. S-D Logic rests on the ten foundational premises which are considered as the heart or core entity of S-D Logic.

Service-Dominant Logic (S-D logic) has been a matter of radical conceptual argument over the last few years. In the words of Vargo and Lusch (2004), S-D logic is not a model, yet it operates at a typical level of study and demonstrates a shifting worldview. The evolution of S-D logic is particularly associated with the drawbacks imposed by the Goods Dominant Logic (G-D logic). According to many scholars, G-D logic has impeded marketers from acquiring more and new insights and understanding regarding marketing operations. Responding to this, Vargo and Lusch (2004) proclaimed S-D logic as a lens, through which events related to marketing can be perceived. It has been argued that S-D logic is not a theory though it is a creative approach that eliminates the current assumptions which impede the ability to view a situation in manifold ways. In another word, S-D logic offers prospects to explore new options by viewing the same thing from the different lens (Vargo & Lusch, 2004. Lusch et al., 2008). Besides, it is also claimed that S-D logic promotes the sharing of new ideas and knowledge within the firm and facilitates in overcoming from conventional mental paradigm (Layton, 2008. Ford & Bowen, 2008).

S-D logic in general terms is considered as a change in the marketing philosophy away from goods dominant logic (G-D logic) which predominately included tangible resources and value surrounded to them, regarding service paradigm with a significant focus on intangible resources, reciprocal creation of firm-customer value and&nbsp.affiliations.&nbsp.

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