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Compose a 250 words essay on Best is the new worst and glamour, that certain something. Needs to be plagiarism free!Print media showed women with long hair and meat on their body to be the most desira

Compose a 250 words essay on Best is the new worst and glamour, that certain something. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Print media showed women with long hair and meat on their body to be the most desirable. However gradually with time the perception of being beautiful changed from limited curves on a woman’s body along with short hair. Media revolves around the concept of picking up an ideal fashion of the society and conveys it to the audience so that the audience can adopt that particular fashion. It is through these channels that the large audience is being controlled by the media. People who watch television get inspired by some sort of fashion and try to adopt it. To become cool in the society one tries to imitate the person that they watch on the different forms of traditional media. Media does affect our perception of beauty in one way or the other and at times this can prove to be disastrous for the people whose perceptions are being tangled with (Gallagher 2009). References How the Media Changes Our Perception of Beauty. Tammy Gallagher. 2009. Associated Content.

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