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Compose a 2750 words essay on Why Online Education Is Bad. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... The advent of computers along with internet has attracted so many people t

Compose a 2750 words essay on Why Online Education Is Bad. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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The advent of computers along with internet has attracted so many people to web-based schools otherwise known as e-Learning or virtual learning or online education. VLE is simply called Online Education in this research paper. Usually, there are seven main reasons why students particularly value online education and supported Home Education as a serious alternative to attending physical schools and colleges: Worldwide residents / expatriates wanting a British-style education, but not satisfied with local provision, or living too remote for the desired schooling. Disability or health issues - either of the student, or a close family member. Confidence issues, perhaps associated with: Bullying in a mainstream school. High achievers and independent learners, perhaps with less common learning styles. School "refusers". Philosophical, social or religious principles. To further confirm some of the findings, presented in this paper the researcher had ventured to do his own survey and found out a similar negative feedback about Online Education. Indeed, the greater majority, 75% showed dissatisfaction for the online instructors. 63.16 % believed in the importance of social interaction as a major part of education. Of those who took online education, 72.7 % believed that their chances for employment will be worse if they base it only on their eLearning courses. The survey of the researcher therefore affirms the information, that Online Education is bad for those who plan to apply for employment soon after finishing a degree in college.

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