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Compose a 3750 words essay on Retirement Issues. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... The essay "Retirement Issues" intends to overview the causes behind retirement plan

Compose a 3750 words essay on Retirement Issues. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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The essay "Retirement Issues" intends to overview the causes behind retirement plan and offer the suggestions to the younger generation on the successful accomplishment of a resilient retirement plan that is expected to get rid of the lacunas of the earlier generations in framing the same. , the term unforeseen itself is stochastic or probabilistic in nature. There is no definite way to measure all unanticipated events that might require added financial assistance and thereby extra precautionary savings. Hence, at the end of the day, it is all about series of assumptions and to some extent careful gambling with a hope that the dice would fall in the expected number. If the dice falls otherwise. then all the associated dreams with the retirement life fall into pieces like a glass house stuck with a stone.

Hope does not die though, people keep on thinking that their planning considering the retirement life is on the right track and then out of the blue an emergency pops up forcing the individual and his family into the ocean of despair. By the time the individual realizes something is not right in his planning, it is too late. The most ironic thing is that this can happen owing to human error or purely out of the accident. This point to the fact that even if one is perfect regarding his retirement planning. he might face the brunt of the unforeseen events similar to anyone else. It is easily understandable now that why retirement plan is important and difficult to optimize.

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