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Compose a 500 words assignment on sociological perspective and sociological imagination. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 500 words assignment on sociological perspective and sociological imagination. Needs to be plagiarism free! SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE AND SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION Self is the core of one's conscious existence. This is incomplete without awareness of self concept. The concept of self concept is that the individual has of himself as material, social, pious or moral being. One has a self concept only when he is able to recognize himself as a distinct human being thus a self concept would be impossible without cognition or the capacity to think.

The self comprises of two attributes the 'I' and 'me'. The 'I' is referred to as in response to the outside world and 'me' reflects more of the social life. It can be easily be observed that people do lie in between the two assumptions and that people are aware that they will have self-control problems, but the fact is that they cannot rely upon their judgments as they feel themselves to be more prone to faulty predictions.

The ideology of self and self concept has been differing from historical eras, cultural backgrounds and socioeconomic classes. There are three other concepts underlying the idea of self concept. They are the self esteem, self efficacy and self monitoring.

Personality is a compilation of emotional and behavioral patterns exclusive to a person that is steady over time. One more aspect to be understood in lieu of the cognition for self is spirituality. Spirituality can be described in various ways but the most common definitions are that spirituality endows with logic of meaning and purpose in life and includes a belief that the soul starts of in another realm or it is reincarnated after a person's death.

These beliefs include supernatural beings or powers, such as a God or a hierarchy of gods, angels and demons, this is for different religions. Thus we can say that the supernatural world at times comes closer and at times gets farther away to the real world scenarios as per beliefs of different persons. As of a spiritual standpoint, the main purpose of human life is to grow spiritually. The point in spiritual life is that the extent of spirituality depends upon the fact that the how much adherence has the person given to the spiritual values during his life time. And it is the trait set of a person that makes divergence in this spiritual life. To elaborate more we have the '5 factor model' which states that a better personality comprises of agreeableness, extroversion, openness, neuroticism and conscientiousness (awareness of self). Personality is dependent upon friends or the society we are living as it has a great influence on our lives. The decisions made by a person are pretty much influenced by other factors which the "personality theory" does not signify.


1. Ahadi, S.A., and Rothbart, M.K., (1994) the developing structure of temperament and personality from infancy to adulthood. Hills dale, NJ:Erlbaum

2. Ariely, Daniel, and Klaus Wertenbroch. (2001). "Procrastination, Deadlines, and Performance: Using Public Commitments to Regulate One's Behavior." Psychological Science.

3. Carrillo, Juan, and Thomas Mariotti. (2000). "Strategic Ignorance as a Self-Disciplining Device." Review of Economic Studies 67: 529-544.

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