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Compose a 500 words essay on Choose an issue surrounding capital punishment (deterrence, innocence, cost, racial bias, etc.) and use it to argue why or why n. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file

Compose a 500 words essay on Choose an issue surrounding capital punishment (deterrence, innocence, cost, racial bias, etc.) and use it to argue why or why n. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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Many other states in America also released similar reports with respect to the expenses of capital punishment. Billions of Dollars are spent yearly for implementing capital punishment in America. Normal court procedures are impossible in the death penalty cases. The court needs to double confirm that the criminal is eligible for death penalty because of the value associated with human life. “The essence of American criminal justice system is that “partisan advocacy of both sides on a case will promote the ultimate objective that the guilty be convicted and the innocent go free” (Ferdic et al, p.37). So, before implementing death penalty, the criminal went through for a series of expensive trial procedures including state and federal supreme courts. The criminal can question the punishment several times in different courts before the final judgment of the Supreme Court. All these court procedures are highly expensive because of the various expensive services (Smart advocates, Forensic experts, Investigating officers, witnesses, etc) needed for it.

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