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Compose a 750 words assignment on argument stance on what are the ethical costs of modern health. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 750 words assignment on argument stance on what are the ethical costs of modern health. Needs to be plagiarism free! According to Rottenberg & Winchell, in modern health, pro-life physicians find themselves at crossroads on whether to follow their conscience or adhere to the demands of their career (560-565). It is this fact that leads to one of the ethical issues in modern health. The same case applies to the pro-choice physicians, as Rottenberg & Winchell write, that have to ensure that they give all the information required to the patients, serve the patients accordingly so as to avoid cases of the patients being stigmatized and uninformed regarding the care given to them (560- 565). This brings in the informed consent issue unlike in the previous centuries where the medical practitioners had the final say on the patient’s health status. It is these advancements in modern health that have been the source of conflicts in the hospitals, the medical schools and in the organizations.

Yet another factor that leads to ethical concerns in the modern health revolves around the fact that modern health has indeed evolved from two separate concepts of development that touch on bioethics and professionalism. In the modern world, one can easily argue that the medical sector is not governed by professional dominance that involved the activities of the doctors being decided in meetings and conferences. In today’s world, the interest has completely shifted to the interests of the patients. thus, lots of efforts have been put towards ensuring that order exists in the medical profession. As seen in the research conducted by Rottenberg & Winchell, the pro-choice advocates are at pains on whether to directly engage in abortion for fear of breaching the expected regulations especially when the case is an emergency case (564).

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