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Compose a 750 words essay on Gun laws In The Usa. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... As such, guns assist in threatening burglars into submission of the law, where they

Compose a 750 words essay on Gun laws In The Usa. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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As such, guns assist in threatening burglars into submission of the law, where they surrender lest the weapon be fired on them. In addition legalizing firearms allows those that possess them to have an upper hand in cases of violence against them, where they buy time for the authorities to arrive and contain the situation by arresting the culprits. This means that legalizing guns is a positive thing to the entire society by curbing the occurrence of crime all over. thanks to the dangerous and life threatening nature of guns into coercing one to comply with demands for the right or moral thing to be done. In addition, the legalization of guns in the American society creates a suitable situation for all to stay away from violent activities that involve life-threatening situations. This is as seen through resolution of disputes through amicable means by persuading aggressors to steer off violence and embrace non-violent means of dispute resolutions. However, the above situation works if the person with the gun exercises his or her rationality in a life-threatening situation since he or she holds the upper hand. Having guns as legal items in America also serve to improve the security countrywide following the equality created in having them. This is through accountability and uniformity that is bound to be all over, considering that anyone with an interest in guns is bound to get and use it according to his or her discretion. This form of uniformity allows individuals to be accountable and responsible with their firearms such that they do not use them at will, but rather in situations that call for them. According to the above statement, cases of threats would be minimal, as would those of violent crime involving guns (Sabhalok). This is because. since everyone can easily get a legal firearm, disputes can and will be resolved more responsibly unlike in cases where only one of those involved owns a gun. As such, rationality will be conventional thing to do since failure to be rational would lead to loss of lives. In addition, it is conventional for misuse or abuse of items and substances to go low once the items are legalized for use by the public as is the case for alcohol consumption in relation to binge drinking (CBS News). According to this statement, once guns are legalized, crime rates are bound to go down as guns become prevalent among the public, and with laws governing their use. This is to say that the use of illegal firearms to commit crimes will be low allowing for members of the American society to live their lives in peace. Concerning self-defense, guns are crucial for protection of one’s wellbeing against evil elements in society. This is especially so for individuals with impairments or of a certain age, where their abilities are highly impaired or uncontrollable. As such, senior citizens find security in the guns since they cannot compete against young burglars and criminals (Codrea). As a result, having a gun allows them to overpower the youth in crime and get their situations under control and save their lives, as well as protect that which belongs to them. Guns also lead to recognition of certain minority groups commonly discriminated against under the pretext of criminal activity. Guns put all the ethnic communities on the map, for the right reasons.

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