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Computer Services Limited

Compare and contrast the operational challenges Computer Services Limited (CSL) would face in delivering IT solutions as opposed to its traditional business.

  • Provide recommendations for how CSL should develop the required operational capabilities to deliver IT solutions
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******** ******** ******* ****** **** Study The *********** *********** ***** **** of ******** ******** ******* ***** ** *** ** originally *** to ******* *** **** ******** to ********* ** a ***** ******** ************* **** *** ********* **** *** and the ***** at ***** *** ******* ******** *** ********** **** was **** *** *********** Unique Selling Point Though ******* ********** were long they **** ********** ****** *** overheads were low *** ********* *** **** ********* **** ************ ** *** ******** manufacturer’s ******* functionThe *********** **** **** *** ******* ******** ** ******** ********* manufacturer ***** ** ******* **** competition the *** *** ** more service ******** ***** provided the customers ******** at **** ***** costs **** reducing *** customer **** *** CSL The ******************** into delivering ** ********* *** ***** ************* would have to ** complemented **** ***** ******* in the ************ *** first *********** ***** ** to ******* ******* engineers **** ******* ******* The ********* ***** *** deal with a wider ***** ** ********* *** should be ******* ** servicing ***** ***** ** ********* ******* ******* is ******** ** **** service ***** ********** ****** especially ** cater to ***** clients **** ******** * major change ** ***** of *** control ******* to ****** *** *********** ** *** ********* and ****** ************ **** ***** ** accompanied ** expenses ** ***** of ******* ** ******* functions ****** **** ********* *** training *** *********** ******** of *** ************** ***** ** ********** changes ** terms ** ********* spare ***** *** ************ **** suppliers ** **** ***** ** ** ***** ** procurement ********* ********** will also ** ******** ** ***** ************ ** ************* ** ***************** ********* **** ******** to be built up ** ***** to *** ********* ***** ** ****** ** a *** **** **** ***** *** *** not **** ********* in ******* ********* **** ** *********** *** ************ This required * robust system ******* *** ***** ** **** ** ****** *** ******** ************ ***** ******** **** outsourcedAs * ****** there would be higher operational costs ***** *** ******** ***** **** ******** ************ Services ***** were earlier ******** ** London ***** *** **** to be ******** ****** *** UK **** ***** ***** **** logistical ********** **** ** ********* transport for ********* and ********** ** ******* ******* ** *********** with the ******* ***** from *** ******* ****** in ************************** *** ** **** * ******* ******** ** ****** **** ** ** able ** ******* ******* ******** ** *** ********* *** ***** ****** here ** ******* *********** ** expert ***** The ******* ********* **** ** *********** and **** *** ******** ******** ** deliver quality ********* **** *********** ****** ********** ** ****** customer ************ and retention **** ************ ***** ***** ******* *********** ********* ** ******** *** ********** training ** * *** requisite ** **** * ******** For ********** ******** ******** ******** and ******** must ** *********** ***** ************* ** ******* functions is ** ********* area ** ****** **** *********** ************ (Mckinseycom ***** Thus the ******* engineers who *** ******* ****** ** have ** ** ******* and monitored from the ******* **** in LondonLogistics **** ** ********* **** **** There has ** be **** control **** procurement procedures *** ****** *** **** ************ ** *** ***** ** ****** ******** ************ ******* ** ** **** desks ** solve ******** ******** ******* a ******** **** ***** ** an ********* ****************** ******** ** ******** ********* is also * good *********** *** *** The same ***** *** ** ******* ** cater ** **** **** **** ******* CSL **** be planned *** gradual in *** approach and make ********** ********************************* ****** Building ************** ************* McKinsey Global ****** ******* Retrieved 24 ********* 2015 fromhttp://wwwmckinseycom/insights/organization/building_organizational_capabilities_mckinsey_global_survey_resultsDhsvicgovau (2015) **** are the ********** of good recruitment?: Funded ****** Channel - ***** ********** ** Victoria ********* Retrieved 24 ********* **** **** *********************************************************************************************************************

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