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Conduct a current literature review on the importance and significance of the effectiveness of managers in your organization and their overall goals and objectives. In a 5–7-page scholarly paper, co

Conduct a current literature review on the importance and significance of the effectiveness of managers in your organization and their overall goals and objectives. In a 5–7-page scholarly paper, consider incorporating diversity and management in your work. 

This scholarly paper must include the following: 

  • Cover page  
  • Introduction (what the paper is about and how it is organized)  
  • Literature review (a discussion that integrates what was found in the literature)  
  • Application (share best practices, professional and personal experiences)  
  • Recommendations helpful to individuals, groups, and organizations  
  • Conclusion (concluding remarks)  
  • References (5 recent peer-reviewed scholarly articles)

The cover and reference pages are not included in the 5–7 page count. All submissions must be in APA format using Times New Roman and 12-point font. 

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