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Consider a list of real numbers . $1 , 271 _ _ _ . In The mean of the values in the list is a real number that is an average . that is ,...

Please help me develop a program IN BASIC C LANGUAGE that can output these calculations. notice that there are very specific specifications for what needs to be input and output.

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Consider a list of " real numbers ."$1 , 271 _ _ _ . InThe mean of the values in the list is a real number that is an average . that is , a value that is typicalof the values in the list . The mean , here donated I ( pronounced*{ - bar"), is calculated as the sumof all the values in the list , divided by the number of values in the list*I -LAITY _ !I t ` t ... ^ ^Note : }~ , I; is known as summation notation : !` I``IT; = TITIIt ... + I'mThe bias - corrected sample variance of the list of real numbers , known as the variance for shortand denoted " , is calculated by :`billIi - I )`( II - I ) + ( 12 - I ) + ... * ( In - I )*1 - 11 - 1The bias- corrected standard deviation" of the list of real numbers , denoted & is a real number thatindicates how typical the mean is . It is calculated by :The standard error of the list of real numbers , dented &_ is calculated by`BE - /TENow , suppose we had two lists , each list having a points ( that is . the two lists have the same*lengthy :IT , Iz . ... . InThe Pearson product - moment correlation coefficient! ( which we'll refer to simply as the correla -tion coefficient ; for two lists that each have " values is a value that represents how closely relatedThe two lists of values are .For a pair of lists of " points , the correlation coefficient , denoted Ty , is calculated as follows :VALE2 , 2} ) - 12 2 , 1 )` VIZZ, `? ) - 12 2 , 4: }"To calculate the correlation coefficient for two lists of values* and } :`1 . Calculate the sum of the I ; values .2. Calculate the sum of the I values.3 . Calculate the sum of the "; values .4. Calculate the sum of the "? values*5 . Calculate the sum of the I . " values.6. Calculate the correlation coefficient .
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