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Consider the two scenarios. Pick one and work out a reply. Be sure to incorporate this week's reading assignments, including the article on ethical fading. Scenario 1: You are offered a job at XYZ

Consider the two scenarios. Pick one and work out a reply. Be sure to incorporate this week's reading assignments, including the article on ethical fading. 

Scenario 1: You are offered a job at XYZ Corp. A friend emails you an article indicating the company has been funding questionable research that may be causing irreparable damage to a specific ecosystem. You notice in the Code of Ethics that you will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and a statement saying if you leave for any reason, you will be barred from working for a similar company for one year. Do you take the job, why or why not?

Scenario 2: You have been working in a technical job for ABC company for 6 months and are about to pass probation and be hired full time. Your manager has been a little more attentive than usual and calls you into the office. You are told that to be promoted, you will be required to put in 20 hours a week “off the clock.” You decide to contact HR and are told that this is just “standard practice.” You know this is illegal, but you also really need the job. What do you do?

Be sure to apply at least one ethical system in depth, including application of at least 4 specific aspects of that system in your posts. 

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