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Continue working on the Criminal Justice Program Proposal for the problem selected in Week One.Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word proposal that describes the development and design process for your program.

Continue working on the Criminal Justice Program Proposal for the problem selected in Week One.

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word proposal that describes the development and design process for your program.

Include the following in Part III of your proposal:

  • Identify the target population and describe how you identified it.
  • Locate similar programs and analyze their policies, procedures, and job descriptions.
  • Identify three of the most pertinent policies, procedures, and job descriptions necessary to use in your program.
  • Explain how you will address the need for interagency collaboration.
  • Develop an implementation plan and timeframe for your program.
  • Describe training requirements and materials needed for key personnel.

Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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******** ******* Program ******** *** *** problem ******** ** **** *********** *** ****** different ***** ********* *** ******* ******* to ****** low-risk ****** **** ** ****** ********* ** first-time offenders **** regular ****** ********** ************ *** program *** ****** ********* juvenile ********* ** ********* **** ******** psychosocial needs *** *** ** a ***** ******* ****** ** * ******* highly ********** position **** ***** with ***** ****** *** find themselves ** *** rule of the legal ****** ** a ****** ************* ****** ******** ***** *** *** ****** *** ****** ************* ********* while filling the ******** *** ********* ****** ** ******** justice ************* ******* ******* *********** ***** *********** who *** ***** in ******* ** on ***** ********** **** more ********** is also acquired ** develop ********* ********** *** ****** *** emotional ******* ******** to ******* ********** **** ******* ** ********** as **** ** ********* ***** ******* *** professionals ********* *** ******** to testify ** ***** ** ********* These specialists give a ***** ******* ** ***** populations ** **** **** to **** *** ****** *** *** ******** ****** ******* ********** *** ** ********** ****** ** ****** **** **** on adolescents who ***** people **** given up ** ********* **** in providing ******* *** ***** ********* **** tools to **** ** ******* their ****** out of **** trouble ********** 2012)The *********** ************ ** the ******** ******* field ******* entail ******* ** * juvenile ******** **** ****** *** expert is ******** ** **** *** ******* *** ***** law concerning the ******** justice as **** ** ****** ****** ********** *********** *** ******** ******* useful ************* *********** ******** with ********* ** various cultures *** sensitivities **** if **** of *** ******** justice experts **** at least * ********** ****** *** *********** ******** can be ******** **** a ************ ****** in ******** ******* psychology or ****** **** More *********** juvenile *********** *** *** ******* ** casework substitute ********* ******** **** treatment plans *** ********* ********* ** **** ***** are supposed ** **** * master’s degree in ******** justice juvenile justice social work **** as ********* or psychology ************* high-level ********* ***** *** ***** ****** *** * ******** degree ** ******** justice or ***** ***** ********** ******* (Feld ***************** **** ******* **** skills in ************* ********** *** to interact with youths *** ** ***** ** **** with **** ****** ** well ** juveniles ********* ******** ******* *** others **** **** *** ****** **** ** **** ********** with prior ****** ******* **** teenagers ** kids with ******** criminals or in * **** evaluating ****** *** **** a benefit ** the ****** *********************** ******** ** a model **** ** ***** ****** **** ********** ********* and ************ *** ******* ****** ******* *** out ** **** ******** *** **** *** ************ department *** **** ** ******** **** commanders ** **** ******* ********** and ***** **** **************** ******** ****** considerable ******** ******** after the ********* ** ******* ** *** World Trade Center ************** *********** ** Law *********** ************ ******** *** Since the ******* countries **** ****** ** ***** **** ******** ******* to ******* the next ***** ** *** ********* ****** than **** **** the ********* ******** ******** internationally ***** ******** ****** *** **** paradigm **** it was built **** ***** *** ***** *** **************** ******** *** ********* ******** ***** *** ******* ** ************ ************************ Association ** Law *********** ************ Analysts *** Often **** people view ************ ** **** **** gathering *** it ******** **** analysis **** the ********** ********* **** *** ** ******** ************ ** a ****** **** ** creating * new department to **** **** **** ********** *** analysis ****** will be ******* to *** ** ***** *** ******* operations ********** *** ** the ***** manner ******* ** reacting ** *********** ** *** ********* police would ****** operations ***** **** intelligence before **** ************ *** ** each department ***** ***** cooperate and **** ******** using the **** being gathered ** suspect profiles ** ***** * ******* ** ******** ********** ******** ***** ** ******** *** *** *** police under ******** ** ***** *** ****** *** ********** ***** ** put into *********** ****** ************ of new technologies **** *** ***** ***** **** ** ** importance **** ************ *********** ********* Building ******** on encrypted ********** servers *** protecting the *********** ***** be ******* ***** *** agency ***** *** **** the ********* ******* * step ahead once they **** **** *** ************ ******************* *********** of Law *********** ************ ******** *** ******* *** the *********** ********* discrete ** very ********* Also *** of ************* ******** like artificial ************ **** ***** ****** crime solving ** *********** variables ** matching crime networks ******* increasing ***** *** ********** **** software could also be **** ** *** *** *** data ** **** ************* *** easily analyze ***** ****** is ******* overarching goals **** *** ******** ******* ************ *** goals ********** *** strategies ** well ** ********* resourcefulness allocated ****** The goals *** ************** and overlapped ** succeed is *** ** the ********** in ******** **** is ********* ** *** success ** the **** ** *** ******* *** ***** ******* ********** ****** ****** *** ******** *** ********** ***** is ********* *** ******* ** ********** ********* *********** *** ******* ************* impacts and ************ and *** operational *** ************* ************* between *** ********** *** between *** and its ******* For ******** we **** ******* ****** *** its ******* for the whole ****** On the other hand ***** ** ********** ********** *** avoid criminal ******** in our ******* *** ** an active ****** ** the circumstances criminal ******* ****** safety ** **** ** emergency response ** ******** ****** ******* *** ** ***** goals **** *** ***** at ***** all ** *** ********** ******** ******* ******* ** well ** *********** exist *** create *** **** by which all will be ******** *** judges ******** ******** other **** of *** ****** ** ** ******* * ********** ********* *** **** community has **** ******** for * long time ** Indo-European *** ****** of the **** ***** exchange ** ****** * ****** ******* *** added ***** means ****** ** all ** says that ** *** ********** ****** transition community ** ***** ****** The ****** ********** ** ******* to ****** positive ****** ********** that should be a reality ** **** ***** *** ****** improve *** ********* and ****** ** *** intellectual ************ ** ** ** *** *** *** ********** department begins ****** DOC ******** with *** *** ***** **** **** **** ********* ******** *** ****** ** expanding *** **** include ***** ***** ******** **** as ******** **** ********* ******** ** **** as ***** ******* ** **** **** ****** *** ***** level ******* and ***** ***** ******* ** *** *** ******** ******** (Clear ****** ***** Cole **************** ********** **** ******* ************* *********** *********** *** *************** organizations who **** *** ********** ******** **** ************ activities **** ** ******** ******** 2002)) The ***** **** ** following ** **** both ******** *** *** ******* ** **** **** **** there ** * success ** *** job ******* The ********** feedback **** ****** ** ** *** **** *** process ***** ** ******** *** ** mention the impacts **** ******** *********** of *** ********** ****** *********** ***** goals *** ****** ** *********** ** ********* what ***** ****** ******** to do The ********* comments *** ********* as ****** ******** ** *** ****** ****** *** ******** the ***** by ***** *** ************ will *********** ** ****** *** goals *** cited Working **** * firm DOC ******* *** ********* ** this shared ****** ** achieving the ***** ********** *** ****** ************ **** ***** has identified Insisting ** **** implementation ***** ***** good outcomes *** **** **** individually *** ** *** ****** will ******* *** reinforce *** ************ skills attitude values ** **** ** ***** *********** **** ******** **** need ** be successful ** *** ******* ** ** **** **** above **** can ** **** in * **** ** ways ******** * ******* *** integrated ****** with * shared ****** ** ** ******** ********** ***** & Matz ******* *** **** ** our ************* **** **** ** less ** the ******** *** *** ** ** *** **** *** *** ********* *** ******** ********** *** *** ************* ********** **** ***** * *********** ****** to *** ********* *** *********** elements ** the *********** ****** ******** **** ** *** understand *** ****** ** ********** and *** inevitable collapse ** *** ****** *** be foreseen ** ** hence important to ****** them ** ******** ********** which are ******* *** ************* so ** *** to ***** ***** ***** ** ************** comprehensive ******** on *********** procedures *** *** *** ***** ** ******* works ** ** place and ready ** ** distributed ** the staff **** ***** will ****** **** ***** ****** *** *** ** *** ***** ** ********* **** ******* with *** unchartered ********** **** *** *** very ******* is **** ****** ********* ** ****** the ********* ***** *** ** short ******* ******** ***** **** can ** ******* **** and *** ******* ********* ********* **** them for **** ** ********** *** goals *** ********* **** will **** mitigate *** ******* ****** ********* ** ********* *** misinformation **** the part of *** ***** *** meetings can be ****** ** ******** ******** where *** goal ***** ** ** ********** ****** ****** ******** ** *** ************** time ****** ** * limiting when ** ***** ** ******** the *********** timing ** *** ******** ******** ** ***** ** ****** *********** **** *** training ** either done in the morning ****** **** ****** ** refresh ***** and remind **** of *** ************ A ****** **** ********** ******** ** **** ****** ** handle **** of *** ******* ***** it *** be ******** ** work ********** across *** *************** ******** ******** *** instilling ******** justice ** offenders ** * **** effective ******** **** ******* that *** ******** are ***** *** ******* *** ********* ******** ** ******** all fields ** operations with ******* threats ******* ** the ********** **** ** sounds ********* * single ******** *** ** ********* ** ********* ** the different varying ******* in *** ********** ** ****** ** designed ** be ******** and ************* Loop holes may arise *** ** *** ********** ** ******** **** * ******** *** **** risks *** *** ** adequately ******* ** some ******* may be ************ ********** It ** ***** very ********* *** ******** ********* **** ** ***** to ********** *** ******* ** *** *** each **** could **** *** ****** * lot of **** *** ********* **** ****** ** with *** strategies ** ** ******* ** *** ******** ******* ********************************** Whitehead * * ************** ******** ** ************ ************* * * ****** **** politics *** ******** ******** The ****** ***** *** *** ************ backlashMinn * Rev87 ************ ******* ****** (nd) ********* **** ******** *** Association: ******************************************************************** *** *** ******** ******* **** ********* **** NCSL: ************************************************************************************ J B ***************** The penitentiary in **** society ********** ** ******* PressLoriaux * * * ****** WHAT CHARACTER **** FAITH-BASED *************** **** ** ADDRESSING ***** ********** ****** ** ************ *** *********** ******** ** ************ E * ****** Retrieving *** ************** ***** ** army justice: *** suspended punitive ********* ** * method ** ***** ******** ********* with PTSD and *** *** ****** *************** * ****** * & **** * (2012)American *********** ****** ****************** M * Matz * K ***** ***** * K ****** ********* *********** ******** considerations for ****** *************** *** ******* ** State *********** ********* ********* *** ****** ***************

Click here to download attached files: Criminal Justice Program Proposal for the problem selected in Week One.docx
Click here to download attached files: Criminal Justice Program Proposal for the problem selected in Week One..pdf
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