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Continue working on your Criminal Justice Program Proposal.Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word proposal focusing on program implementation that includes the following:Identify sources of funding for your pro

Continue working on your Criminal Justice Program Proposal.

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word proposal focusing on program implementation that includes the following:

  • Identify sources of funding for your program.
  • Determine the criteria that will be used to evaluate the success of your program.
  • Determine the data collection methods that will be used to determine the success of your program.
  • Describe the way to collect and respond to feedback and implementation concerns.

Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines.

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******** ******** ** ******* ************** ******** Justice ********** ********** program *** *** *********** to ** *********** within **** limit grant funding ** ******* ****** ** post-grant ************** ********** *** this ** ****** *** *********** ****** ******** *** ****** ******* ******* ** **** **** several ******* sources with different ************ *** ************ **** is * ****** issue *** *** system of care *********** ** **** ** ********* ****** *** ****** (Koyanagi ***** ************** 2000) ********* together numerous ******* ******* ** sustain *** program ** * ********* at ***** *** *** community The ***** **** nature of ***** funding generally *** *** measured ****** ** ***** ******* ******* the ****** of care ******* ********* ****** ********* for *** application ** *** juvenile ******* ****** *** several ******* ** ***** **** there ** ********** *********** ***** ******* ******* ****** ******* state ** well as ******** ***** ***** ** **** ** ******* ******** ******** ****** ****** *********** *** ************ practical information ** *** *********** **** used ***** funds to **** ************* programs ******* Skowyra ***** ******* ***** ******* the ******* *** ** less ******** with the ******** juvenile ******* ******* ******* requirements ******** results ************ ** well ** *** lack ** familiarity ***** ** ******** funds *********** any ************* ******* ** ****** * ********* ********* ** economic *********** together **** authority ****** *************** ***** ******* Morris & ******* 2009)Identifying *** ****** ******* ** implementation the ********* ***** *** ****** Health Services ************** ******** ** ******** ** ** essential ******* of ****** ** matters of enforcement and *** ******* up *********** ******** ** help *** ****** ** ******* area ** thinking ***** ** **** ** planning *** **************** is ****** **** *** ******* ** *** ***** of ********** **** ****** ******* ***** ** have ********** * ***** ** ******* source; ************* *** entitlement **** numerous ******* ** ************ ******* the program This prosperous ********** to alternative ******* for *** ******* that ***** *** ***** ** an *********** **** *** ******** ******* ****** ***** *** ****** ** across agency ************** **** **** ** * ***** *********** ** *** juvenile justice ******* ******* ***** ***** be appointed ** ******* ******* (Skowyra & ******* 2007)The ************ ** * program ********** is ** ********* the expected *** ********** ******* ** * ******* *** ****** **** ** *** objectives ** **** ** ***** *** *********** ** assessment ****** ** *** *********** ********** ********* of *** ************ for ******** *********** *** *********** ** ******* by all *** ******* ****** *********** ******** ** the ****** ***** are **** evaluation ******** which must be used ** ********* growth ************** ************* relevance ********** ************** *** ****** ******** panel participant ************* ********* apply these standards *** ******* ** ** ********* ************* is *** ****** ** which * ******* achieves *** ***** *** predictable ************** *** ******** the *********** impacts2 *** ********* ** a program is the ******** ** ***** its goals *** reliable **** the ************* ***** ******* ************ *** *** ********** relevant global ********* international ********** ** **** as the procedures *** ********** ** *** donor ******** **** the partners3 ****** *** *** ***** ** the ******* and ********* ********* results of ************ ******** or positive intended ** ********** *** ****** ** indirect *** ****** ** *** determinant ** all the *********** impacts ** *** ******* expected ** ********** ******** ** ******** ** *** reliabilities as **** ** ***** affected parties4 Efficiency – it’s *** measurement of *** *** ****** (time funds ** ** *** *** ******* into ******** ************** *** ****** *** ******* ** ***** *** ******** ** *** ******* **** ******** after *** *************** plus *** ********* benefitsTheir criteria *** not jointly ********* *** interdependent **** ****** ******* ***** tests which *** also be **** to **** emphasis ** *** ********** ** *** ******** ******** ** interference ** *** ******* *** *** five ********** are *************** ******** ** *** credentials ** good ************ When ****** ** ********* **** *********** the committee ** *** ****** ** *** youth *** *** ***** ****** firms are ********* ** *** ** these criteriaIn *** ***** ** ******** ******* ******** ********* ** ** ****** ****** ** ******** ** **** the ********* of ***** and the ********* ** *** ****** ** the ******** When their ********* ** ************ *********** ** well ** if ***** ******* ***** *** not ********* **** ******** ******* ***** together **** the ********** *** ** it ******** to ** ******* as ******** ********** from ***** ****** can learn? Programs **** *** never implemented ** ******** or *********** ******* **** ** ******* the ****** impacts even if **** *** ***** ******* ******* about how ** ******* ******* implementation ********* Programs that **** to yield *** outcomes ***** were ******** ** produce *** *********** *** are ********* ** low value ******** ***** ********** ***** ***** ******* **** ** **** importance *** others *** are ****** the ****** ** a ******* **************** **** ** ******** ******** ******** ** **** ** * ******** gauge ** the ******* ********** *********** concerning ***** in * ***** **** *** law *** ********* ** ********* progress on *** *** ** ******** ******** ********** and ***** protection objectives The *********** ** **** ***** ***** *********** **** ***** *** the most **** are inadequately ********* in ** organized and ******** ***** *** ****** ** *********** ********** on juvenile ******* ** **** ** minor ***** ** *** most ******** ******* ** ** **** ******** within the ******* ******* ** an efficient ******* *** *** collection ************* *** ******** of statistics ** ***** ******** with ********* ***** ** a way ** ******* *********** data ********** ** **** ** ******** processes ********** created ** **** on *** impacts ** *** ******* ** ** **** cost-effective to ** ** The ******* ********* ** to make *** ** *** available ******* **** ******* that can ***** reliable baseline *********** and some ******* ************ ** the results ** ******** ******* reforms It ** clear **** ***** ******* are *** ***** ********* ***** are **** ********** ******* to measure ******** ******* ******** ******** *********** **** ***** main ********** which include ************* uniform ***** ****** *** self-report ***** ******** ******** ******* Crime ****** ***** *** ** *** ******** in 1992 by *** ****** ************ ** ****** ** ****** to **** a **** for ******** ******* crime ********** *** *** ******* (UCR ***** Sometimes ** *** ****** **** ***** the ******* ******** data *** only **** misconducts known ******* ** the ***** ****** ******* a **** ******** *********** ******* ***** *** ****** committed and ********** ***** ** *** police **** ******* ******** ********** ** **** ** ***** ******** **** *** ** ***** ***** *********** indicated ** be inaccurate ** ************* ******* ******** ***** later The *** ** *** ******* ******** that ** used *** data ******** ** the US ** *** ******* there *** *** techniques ** collecting **** *** ******* *** ******** ************** ********* ****** (NIBRS) *** the *********** Summary ********* ****** *** *** ******* ****** *** massive ****** of **** **** *** retrieved ** *** ****** ***** and *********** *** other ********* *** ****** ** crime ** the ** ** *** other **** ******* ** ***** programs ***** *** likely ** have ********* ********** *** **** collected *** offered (Britt 2011) The ******** ** ***** ** *********** delivered ******* ** *** *** ********* ****** and ***** law enforcement agencies **** have ********* **** ***** *** ** *** US population ****** ***** However *** *** *** **** ******** *** despite *** *** ****** available ** is *** **** ******** ****** **** *** ****** ************* surveys – ** **** ***** ****** ******** ** ** the ******** ***** ************* ****** (NCVS) *** *** ************* ************* ****** ***** *** purpose of *** **** ** ** ******* *** ****** transformation in ***** ********* *** * ********** *** ** *********** ******** *** ************ ******* socioeconomic ******** of both *** ******** events *** ***** ******* ******* ***** ***** P220) The *** ** a juvenile-specific *********** ********* survey of parents ** children alternating ** ***** **** * ** ** ********** **** ** ** ***** ** victimization **** ******* ******* ******* of ******** and more ******* ** the victim and the ********* *********** ******* ********* *** NYS ******* ********* data **** a ******** ** **** from ** ** ** concerning their juvenile ******** The ******* have * significant ******** ***** the **** ******* juvenile offending ******* *** information ***** ********** ** any **** ** the ******** ******* **************** ** ******** ***** ** *********** make sure that a **** ******* **** ** youths *** their behaviors ********* * ***** from ********* **** to manage **** *** approach **** **** emphasis on ******** ** crime ** ******* ** *** ******* ***** *** ******* *** * ********* *** ** ***** ** ***** **** ******** ***** *** **** ** ******** ** ************ ******** **** input ** * daily ***** ** uses ** to help ** ensure **** *** *********** ********* ** *** Model ******* *** example *** program ******** ***** some ************* ***** *** ***** every **** at ******** ******* ********* ********* *** operate *** programs ********* that ********* ***** performances **** **** verbal ******** **** ******* ********* ******* ****** **** **** often ******* unsolicited ******** ***** *** email ******* where they ******* ** ** a case by **** ********* officials ******* **** **** ******* feedback ***** the ******* ******* ** ****** email survey ***** ** **** ** *** program ****** ** ******* ****** ** the ***** ** *** updated ******* information **** ** these ******* ** ******* feedback ***** *** ******* ******** juvenile ******* ****** **** some *********** **** its ***** ********* to ***** justice ********* ** the ***** ***** ********** ******** **** *********** ************ ****** ** ******** on * collective ***** ** **** there *** ** ******* access * *** the ******** ******* ***** assessments *** ******* ** *** **** ******** ** *** program Moreover while *** ****** ***** survey *** **** *** Juvenile ******* ******* that *** ******* **** ******** ** *** ***** ******** ***** ** ******* ** ********* offer information ***** if the ****** ** ********* ** *** ****** ***** since OJJDP ***** *** survey’s request *** ******** about the program to * slice of *** ******** ******* ***** ***** ******** ** ******* ********* ** the guide *** **** ***** that *** input ** **** ** *** ****** reflect the ideas of the ***** ******* ***** ******** * ************* ******** ** *********** procedures and how *** ***** ** ******* ***** ** ** ***** *** ***** to ** *********** ** *** staff This guide will ****** that ***** ****** has *** ** her ***** ** ********* when dealing **** *** *********** ********** **** *** *** **** ********************* Koyanagi * ***** ************** D (2000) *** *** long ***** *********** systems of care beyond the ******* ********** ****** *** ********* Collaboration and ******** American ********** *** ************** * ******* * ***** ******* * ****** ********* *** change: ******* ****** health services *** ***** in contact **** *** ******** ******* ****** ****** NY: National ****** for ****** ****** and Juvenile Justice ********* from ********** ****** ************************ *** ** **** ** 2010Skowyra * R ***** ******* * J ****** Blueprint *** ******* * ************* model for *** ************** *** ********* ** youth **** ****** health needs ** contact **** *** ******** ******* system Policy ******** ********** ******** * * ****** *********** Reporting ******* and ******* - ********** ***** ********** ********* February **** **** *** ********** *** its ********** ******************************************************************************************************** ***** Reports ****** ********* ******** **** from **** *****************************************

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