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Continue working on your Criminal Justice Program Proposal.Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word proposal that includes the following:Decide which type of evaluation is appropriate and how evaluation results w

Continue working on your Criminal Justice Program Proposal.

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word proposal that includes the following:

  • Decide which type of evaluation is appropriate and how evaluation results will be used.
  • Identify information system capabilities of systems used to gather evaluation data.
  • Describe the qualitative and quantitative methods that will be used to evaluate program data.
  • Designate responsibility for data collection, storage, and analysis.
  • Develop mechanisms to provide feedback to staff, clients, and stakeholders.
  • Explain ways to assess the relevance of stakeholder feedback.

Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines.

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******************** ******* ******* ******** Part ************ *********** *** Program Development *** *********************** *********** * *************************************** ** ******* et ** ***** ******* *** ***** * **** ******** **** *** juvenile ******* system especially **** ** comes ** *** handling ** ******** *********** and ************* *** retribution they deserve *** ***** ********* ***** **** ************* ** *********** punishment *** ******** ******* authorities have ****** ** ***** * ******** *** ********* ****** ** the juveniles who ******* *** *** The ******** ******* system ** *********** ** realign ******* *** ******* the ********* of *** ******** *********** However **** ** not *** **** Many ********* show that *** ************* ** **** system receives a ***** downfall due ** ******** problems *** *** **** ** ******** evidence **** ** ******* ** ********** ***** issues ** ***** et al ****** ******** **** **** **** percent ** *** juveniles *** ******* **** custody *** ********** ****** ** ********* *** *** These ********* *** placed ** different ********** ** prisons ** ***** *** ******** ***** **************** ********** *** purpose ** **** proposal ** ** ****** ******** ********* ***** *** programmatic efforts ********* *** challenges faced ** the ******** ** ********* the juvenile **** ***** *** school ******* ***** are * core ***** to the **** juvenile *********** The ******** also **** ** ********** in ****** *** research ****** *** **** study which ******** the *********** ********** ****** identification of *** information ******* ***** **** ** **** to gather **** the ******* used *** **** ********** *** ways ** which *************** ******** ** ***** *** ************** ***** **** of ********** ** *********** *** *** evaluation ******* **** ** ******** *********** are ******** while others are not ******** *** ********* ***** ** ********** are necessary ** **** ** ******** ********** ******* ***** ****** **** ********** and ****** ******** ** ***** studies ******* on the **** ** experiment ***** ********* ******* ** ********** * ******* ***** ******* ****** ** *** **** *** ******** ** *** ***** *** monitored *** **** is ******** how *** ******* is conducted *** *** *** program ** *********** (Posavac ***** ***** ***** ********** research ****** ** ****** ******* ***** ** is often ******** ** ** ********** ******** *** evaluation research ******* ***** *** ***** are similar *** **** ********* application ******* ********* ** the context ** ******** The **** ** ********** ******** ******** findings helps ********* *** ******** *** ********* **** ** used ******** efficiency and *********** ****** ********* ***** of ********** ***** *** ***** application depends on the object ** evaluation *** purpose of evaluation ** our ******** ********* ********** forms * **** part ** the ********** ***** it *********** *** ******** the object ** evaluation A ********* ********** **** ***** in ********* *** ******** ** *** program the ********** ** its ******* *** ******* ************** *** procedures *** so ** This ***** **** *** *********** *** ************ ** *** evaluation ********* Formative ********** comprises ********* ********** ***** ***** ******* ************ assessment ***** ********** ************** evaluation ********** ***************** *** process ****************** ***** & ***** ******** *** **** ** our ***** * ********* ********** **** ** **** since it integrates qualitative ******* in * big *** ***** ****** for the *********** comparison and ******** *** ************** ** ******** **** *** ******** **** **** such ********* contextual **** that **** help explain any ******* issues will be **************** information ****** ************ ** ******* **** ** ****** ********** dataResearchers will *** ******** interviews *** ******** ******** ** ******* *** ***** and to gather information ********** **** ** ********* ** *********** with ************ ** the ******** ******* ****** *********** **** gathered via *************** ********** will ******* *** ********* ************ of *** juvenile ******* system reforms ************ ** ** ******** **** include ******* community ********* *** ****** representatives These ************ are ******** sources ** **** since **** **** * vast ********* *** ********** with *** juvenile ******* ****** ******* ******** **** will ** ******** **** journal ******** ********** and political documents such ** *********** *** ******** *********** **** ** ******** **** each of ***** ***** ** information ********* *** ************ ** **** research will ** ********** *** ***** ** *********** Following ***** ********** **** will be ********* ** ******* ** *********** for *** ***************** the *********** *** ************ methods that **** be **** ** evaluate ******* *************** **** ******* ********** ** *** interviewees workplace ** an ****** **** ******** *** ************ will ** ******* before participating in *** *** ***** ** ***** ********** and **** so they **** ** debriefed on *** possible implications of the ******* ***** ** ***** ******* interviews **** ** *********** *** later transcription *********** **** also read ******* newspapers ******** *** political archives with the *** ** generating * ******* ** the ******** ********* information They will ******** ****** ***** themes and constructs *** ******* ************ ********** ** the **** ********** *********** ********** **** be *********** *** *** *********** ******** ******* for common ******* categories from all *** audio-tapes *** ******* of *** ***** will **** ** ******** to *** content received from *** ******** ******* project study will use a qualitative and *********** approach **** * ****** **** ** ******** ** ******* * ***** ******* ***** *** project **** ****** an ********* ******** **** ****** and ******** any ************ ******************* ************** for **** collection ******* *** analysisResearchers ********** **** ********** *** must abide ** *** ******* ***** and ***** **** *** have ** ****** ******** ***** ***** laws *** researchers **** *********** in ********* ******** ****** ***** ** ********* **** ** their ******** behavior ***** ********* **** **** ********* **** be ********* ** *** data ******** team ***** is *********** *** ******** ****** and ******* ** *** information ******** ************ *** **** will ******* *** ******** **** and **** ******** from *** ********** *** ******* * ***** ************ ******* ** the project The ************** **** *** the **** ******** **** **** **** ******* with *** *** ** ********** any ****** At no ***** **** the two ***** place another ** jeopardy *** ********* ******** ** any ******** gain (Katz & ***** ************ mechanisms ** ******* ******** ** staff ******* and ******************** ******* ***** **** **** the design ***** *** ********* to *** ************ ***** and ******* *** **** are given ** *********** ** ****** *** ******** concepts and details ** *** ****** ******** **** *** **** ***** **** ** *** ******* ******** ** ** * ********** process ***** ****** the ************ ** **** a ********** ****** ** *** design **** ***** ********** ********* *** ********* collaboration ******* the ******* ******* and *** ************ clients and *** ***** ** a special ingredient ** *** ******* ** a project With this ** **** ********* ******** ******** ** be ******* **** * lot of **** (Hawley ***** ** ******* ******** to *** ************ ** *********** ********* **** ** used ******* ******* is **** ******** ** ********* when ****** ***** at the ***** ***** **** *** be achieved ******* clarifying project ***** *** ****** *** **** *********** feedback ** **** ****** ********** ****** ********* ********** ************ *** **** **** * ****** *** of minimizing bias ** ******** ************ ******* ****** *** ************ ** **** the areas ** ***** **** **** ******** **** ****** ** where to provide ********* Making ******** provision ***** *********** that ******** is **** and **** ************ **** ********** **** *** ***** *** ******* their **** being taken ** is important ** ***** **** *** ** *** same **** ******* and **** ******** at *** right **** *** *********** ** ******** *** of *** ********* ******* *** ** **** ** give ********** ****** surveys: **** ***** ** ******* ******** ** * **** consistent ****** ** ****** collection of comments ********* ****** various ****** **** by the stakeholdersii ******** ******** The ******** provides ******* ****** tools that **** **** for interactive commenting *** ******** a common **** *** ************ ** **** ************ feedbacks *** commentsiii ****** **** ** **** **** ************ use **** *** serves ** a ********** option for **** *** project ******* *** **** * simple ******* email ******* **** *** ******* ******** to *** ******************* **** ** ****** *** ********* ** *********** feedbackAssessing *** ******** value of *** ******** *********** ****** is ***** *********** ** ** ********* ** **** that *** *** stakeholders involved in * ******* ****** **** a **** ********** ***** *** *** ability to offer * significant ************ to the ********** project ****** process ************ **** highly ********* ************ are involved **** of ******** stakeholders **** conflicting ********* ** **** Thus *** **** ** ****** *** relevance ** *********** ***** **** ******* is delicate since * ******* *** ** be ********** ** **** ***** stakeholder ***** **** ***** ************* *** ******** *** ****** while ** *** other **** it requires a ******* ****** since not ***** idea *** be ************ **** *** review To **** effectively assess *** stakeholder’s feedbacks ******* ******** ****** ****** ** ****** **** **** acts ** * ********* to *** specifications *** ********** ****** ***** *** feedback ****** ** stakeholders *** ********* ******* ****** ****** abide ** Project ******** ****** ****** that *** *************** ******** ** ******** ** *** ******* *** **** **** ********** to *** ongoing ******* ******* ******** ***** ** ******** resources *** maximize output ********* * ***** ***** ** ********* feedback **** help ****** the ***** **** ** ******** that **** **** *** ********* ************** ***** ******** ******** ******** *** ** ** ******** **** ** it has to ******* a ******** ******* ** ****** *** **** ** ** immediate issue *********** feedback ****** be ******* The ******** also needs to be *********** ***** ** ****** ******** ** the ******** of interest *** ** tracked ** *** ** ** *********** **** ** *** terms ** ********* **** to ** communicated *** ********** ** *** *********** *** *** ******* ******* It *** to be Realistic: *** desired ****** ** the ******** ******* *** ************ and *** ******* manager *** ** ** ***** ** **** ********* ****** than aspirations ******* *** ******** has ** ** Time ******* ******** ****** *** ********** **** ***** at the ***** **** *** it’s ***** upon ****** * certain ****** Hence *** ******** *** ** ** ******** *** earmarked ** ******** *** ******* (Kennedy & ******** ********************* ******** that **** ************ ***** in *********** juvenile ******* ****** A ******** to strike * ******* ******* ********** ********** ****** of the ***** *** ********** the ****** **** these juvenile *********** ****** ****** show a significant increase in *** juvenile ********* ******** *** juvenile justice ****** is ***** ****** ******** *** **** done ******* **** **** *** ******** ******* system **** not ***** *** ******** ******** goals **** the ********* centers **** is ********** ** *** ************ in the ******** detention ******* which ** **** **** ******* ***** for * successful ********** Though *** ******** ******* ****** *** ******* ** ** * ***** from *** ******** ********* ***** *** created many ************************* * Cartwright * *********** * ***** ****** * ****** ******* ** prisoners: * ********** review ** risk ******* * **** ********** ****** ************* * ****** ******* the ***** Feedback ** *** Right **** ********* **** UXmatters: *********************************************************************************************************** * S ***** ***** * ***************** ***** ** ******** ******** **** ***** & SonsKennedy * ***** McGarthy * ****** ********** ** ******** *** *** ********* Leaders ******* ** and **** it ********* **** Engeneers ******** wwwengineersjournalie/2015/07/28/importance-feedback-effective-leaders-provide-seek-it/Lipsey M * Howell * * Kelly * * ******* * ***** ****** * (2010) ********* *** ************* ** ******** ******* programs ********** *** ****** *** Juvenile Justice ****** ** ********** UniversityPowell D * ****** Technologies ** ********** *** ********** ************* ******* ******** Development 49(3) ************** ***** ***** ***** * (2001) * ******** and ****** ***** *********

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