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Convert 3/10 to a decimal and then to a percent?

##3/10 = 0.3 = 30%##

Any fraction can be expressed in decimal notation by dividing the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator). So either on paper or by use of a calculator, 3 divided by 10 equals 0.3

All numbers written in decimal notation can be written in percent notation by moving the decimal two places to the right and adding the percent symbol.

So on 0.3, we only have one place to move right, we must at a zero to give us a second place value.

We get 30 %

What if you wanted to change 0.525 to percent notation. We would move the decimal two places right and get: 52.5 %

What would 0.00025 be in percent notation? Two places right gives us: 0.025%

What would the whole number, 2 be in percent notation. Remember all whole numbers have an "invisible" decimal behind the "units" or "ones" place value. So for the number two in percent notation we get: 200%

I hope you find these easy once you practice. Of course changing percent notation back to decimal notation means that you move the decimal point two places to the left. Memorize this and you'll be successful.

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