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Course: Cross Cultural Management Week 2 Discussion Hate groups have proliferated in recent years. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), 1,007 hate groups were active in the U.S.

Course: Cross Cultural Management

Week 2 Discussion

Hate groups have proliferated in recent years. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), 1,007 hate groups were active in the U.S. in 2012 (Southern Poverty Law Center, Intelligence Report). Many of these groups use the Internet to attack or malign entire categories of people. Locate a hate group on the Internet. Analyze the site by responding to the following questions within your initial discussion posting:

1). What appear to be the goals of this hate group?

2). How does this group try to rationalize and market hate?

3). What prejudices, stereotypes, and –isms are revealed in this Web site? Be as specific as possible and give examples.Next, examine data on hate groups compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Visit the SPLC's web site and click on links such as "Hate Map," "Hate Incidents," and "Hatewatch Blog." 

4). What does this information reveal about the activities of hate groups both nationally and locally?

5). Is it important for managers to be aware of these groups? How can these groups impact a business (think of all stakeholders)? What can managers do to ameliorate these impacts? What can managers do to counteract?

Back up all opinions with the readings and outside research in academic journals at the KU online library.

  • 250 word minimum for initial post
  • Include at least two references                                                                                                                KU online library:   
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