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Course: Organizational Behavior In an 18-20 page paper, explore the leader within the organization. Leading can be a difficult task. It is hard to know what other leaders are thinking, what is importa

Course: Organizational Behavior

In an 18-20 page paper, explore the leader within the organization. Leading can be a difficult task. It is hard to know what other leaders are thinking, what is important to them, and how they do it day in and day out. Visit the U.S. Coast Guard’s website and read how leaders do their job every day from their own essays.

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Select two articles to evaluate. Apply a leadership theory to the writer’s thoughts.

In addition, evaluate your own personal leadership characteristics by taking the following assessment instrument at

The survey is designed to provide you with feedback about your level of preference or comfort with leadership characteristics and skills. In your analysis and evaluation, note what your strengths are and areas for development. Your leadership paper should synthesize OB theories and concepts learned throughout the term demonstrating your ability to apply to real-world scenarios. (Test results are in the attachment)

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