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Course: Organizational Change Week 1 Online Assessment Share one of your experiences with an organizational change. The change could be related to a work environment or to another organization in

Course: Organizational Change

Week 1 Online Assessment

Share one of your experiences with an organizational change. The change could be related to a work environment or to another organization in which you participated/have participated.

In your original post, respond to the following:

Briefly describe the organization in which the change is occurring or has occurred. If it is relevant, include a description of your role in the organization and/or your role in the change process.

Describe the circumstances that led to the change.

Describe and evaluate actions taken by organizational leaders to prepare people for/implement the change.

Describe successes/failures related to the change process and/or results of the change.

Make recommendations for improvement.(main problem)

Reply 1:

Hello Professor and Class,        One of my experiences with organizational change occurred during my time as an HR Recruiter at a manufacturing company that was implementing a new performance management system. My role in the organization was to assist with the recruitment and onboarding process for new employees and support the current employees through the transition process (DeNisi & Murphy, 2017). The change was necessary as the previous performance management system was outdated and ineffective in meeting the needs of the company and its employees. The new system was designed to increase communication and collaboration between departments and align individual performance with company goals and objectives (Christensen & Demers, 2018).

          As an HR Recruiter, I played a role in communicating with the employees about the new system and how it would benefit them and the organization. I also provided training and support to managers and employees to ensure a smooth transition to the new system (Jackson & Ruderman, 2017).While there was some initial resistance to the change, overall, the implementation of the performance management system was successful. The organization experienced improved communication, increased employee engagement, and better alignment of individual and organizational goals (Christensen & Demers, 2018). The change in the organization was triggered by the need to align performance management with company objectives and improve employee engagement (Christensen & Demers, 2018). The old performance management system was not effective in catering to the growing needs of the company and left employees feeling undervalued (DeNisi & Murphy, 2017). 

       The organizational leaders took steps to prepare the employees for the change by hosting informational sessions and providing support through training (Jackson & Ruderman, 2017). They ensured that employees understood the new system and provided incentives to encourage them to participate in the change process (Christensen & Demers, 2018). The leaders also encouraged employee feedback, which was incorporated into the implementation process. Despite some challenges, the change process was eventually successful. The new system improved productivity and communication across departments, increased employee engagement, and aligned individual goals with company objectives (Christensen & Demers, 2018). However, some employees remained resistant to the change, and there were delays due to a lack of integration between disparate technologies (Jackson & Ruderman, 2017). There is a need for better communication between the leaders and employees regarding the change process. The leaders should prioritize the provision of adequate resources, including technology and training, to ensure the success of the change process (DeNisi & Murphy, 2017). Additionally, employee resistance can be addressed through incentivization and clear communication of the benefits of the new system (Jackson & Ruderman, 2017). 


DeNisi, A., & Murphy, K. (2017). Performance appraisal and evaluation: History, methods, and research. Routledge.

Christensen, N., & Demers, M. (2018). Aligning performance management with organization strategy: An evidence-based roadmap for implementation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(5), 468-483.

Jackson, S. E., & Ruderman, M. (2017). Associates/assistants of the performance evaluation process: Towards a conceptual model. Journal of Management, 4(4), 231-244.

Reply 2:

Good afternoon, Professor and Class,

Tech Sol is a technology consulting firm specializing in software development information technology (IT) solutions and project management services. In 2020, during the COVID-19 break, I was a project manager responsible for overseeing various software development projects and ensuring their successful execution and implementation. COVID-19 affected several organizations in the year 2020, leading to loss of employment for many individuals. In this context, some changes implemented, their impacts and recommendations will be discussed in detail.

Circumstances Leading to Change

In early 2020, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic led to widespread lockdowns and social distancing measures. Many companies shifted to new working guidelines to enhance the continuation of work during the lockdown (Kumar et al., 2021).The government established guidelines in collaboration with health organizations, and many organizations closed their workplaces. Tech Sol had to consider the welfare of its employees; therefore, we devised a strategy where individuals had to work from home. TechSolutions Inc.'s leadership took several actions to facilitate the transformation to work from home.

Communication and Guidance

The most important principle with people in different locations was establishing a good communication strategy for more effortless follow-up and collaboration. The CEO promptly communicated the decision to shift to remote work through a company-wide email. The email included clear instructions on remote work procedures, expectations, and contact information for technical support.

Technological Infrastructure

The IT department expedited the setup of remote access to company servers and databases. Technological efficient operation requires adequate hardware, software and network supply for smooth running (Thota et al., 2020). They provided employees with the necessary hardware, software, and secure VPN connections, ensuring a smooth transition to working from home. However, some employees claimed to have better hardware and software infrastructure; therefore, we did not have to port some of our hardware to employee’s homes.

Virtual Training

Organizational leaders arranged virtual training sessions to educate employees about remote collaboration tools, best practices for communication, and cybersecurity measures. The employees needed an intense training program in order to avoid the breach of data and also to avoid delayed client response as well as agreements in terms of working time and discipline observation in the lockdown context.


Continuity is one of the distinct successes that we evaluated and achieved. Despite the sudden shift, TechSolutions Inc. managed to maintain project timelines and deliverables thanks to effective remote collaboration and digital project management tools. Adaptation and productivity are other milestones that we appreciated during this COVID-19 lockdown. Stakeholder adaptation to a new working environment is significant after a disaster affects many businesses (Gregurec et al., 2021). Many employees quickly adapted to remote work, and some reported increased productivity due to fewer interruptions and the flexibility to structure their workdays.


During this period, we experienced many challenges as a company—the lockdown period made companies change to new operating systems and innovations, leading to downfall vulnerability and poor company functionality due to labour inadequacy (Xue et al., 2021). Communication challenges are one of the significant challenges we encountered. While the initial communication was effective, ongoing informal communication should have been improved due to the lack of face-to-face interactions, leading to occasional misunderstandings. Isolation and burnout were other hindrances that were very common during our transition period. Some employees felt isolated due to the lack of social interactions, and a few reported experiencing burnouts due to blurred boundaries between work and personal life.

Recommendations for Improvement

The recommendations depend on the company's successes and failures and workers' experiences. The solutions can play a very significant role in ensuring that companies can be in a position to run smoothly during a lockdown or international disaster. Enhanced communication channels are one of the recommendations. They implemented regular virtual team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, and informal chat platforms to foster better communication and promptly address concerns.

Virtual Social Interaction is also another preferred recommendation. The company organizes virtual team-building activities, virtual coffee breaks, or online happy hours to maintain a sense of union and combat feelings of isolation. Mental Health Support is also an essential strategy during such disasters. Offering resources such as mental health webinars, counselling services, and stress management workshops can help employees cope with the challenges of remote work. 


Gregurec, I., Tomičić Furjan, M., & Tomičić-Pupek, K. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on sustainable business models in SMEs. Sustainability, 13(3), 1098.

Kumar, P., Kumar, N., Aggarwal, P., & Yeap, J. A. (2021). Working in lockdown: the relationship between COVID-19 induced work stressors, job performance, distress, and life satisfaction. Current Psychology, pp. 1–16.

Thota, M. K., Shajin, F. H., & Rajesh, P. (2020). Survey on software defect prediction techniques. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 17(4), 331-344.

Xue, H., Zhai, Y., Su, W. H., & He, Z. (2023). Governance and Actions for Resilient Urban Food Systems in the Era of COVID-19: Lessons and Challenges in China. Agriculture, 13(9), 1681.

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