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Cover Letter and Resume You want to apply for the position of Human Resources Director with a Fortune 1000 company in the field of retailing. The company "would prefer" applicants with at least four y

Cover Letter and Resume

You want to apply for the position of Human Resources Director with a Fortune 1000 company in the field of retailing. The company "would prefer" applicants with at least four years of experience, though others can also apply. You are six months short on the preferred experience. However, you are absolutely confident of yourself and want to convince the recruiter about the same.

Keeping in mind the above scenario, create a cover letter that convinces the recruiter about your competency for this job. Also include a resume. Your cover letter and resume must incorporate the following:

  • The cover letter should be concise and to the point, following the 3-paragraph structure.
  • The resume should be no more than two pages long, in an appropriate format and following all the standards associated with that format.
  • The resume must have an impressive, original objective statement and a summary of qualifications.
  • The resume must include your capabilities and special skills, preferably using action verbs.

Submission Details: 

  • Submit your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.
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