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Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Global Issues.ent is not solely responsible for all the decisions made regarding foreign policies even though he is the primary architect and his participati

Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Global Issues.

ent is not solely responsible for all the decisions made regarding foreign policies even though he is the primary architect and his participation is very important. The following groups also help in shaping the foreign policies. the senate, congress, intelligence agencies, departments of the cabinet, and the military (Ramachandran, Sita.&nbsp.40).

President Obama’s approach employs targeted force in a way that is of a responsible fashion. He is caring, respectful, confident and respectful. His leadership style is one that is mindful in decision making. He was a senator before his election to presidency. He was give birth in 1961 .He is a Harvard Law School and Columbia university graduate. He was a community organizer prior to graduating. Worked as for civil rights and taught constitution law.

Former president George Bush used pragmatic and conservative approach in foreign policies. He was hard working, unpretentious, practical, ambitious, determined and forceful. He was born in 1946, a politician and a business

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