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Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Hip hop matters.Download file to see previous pages... In fact, hip hop had its humble beginning in 1907s through mix tapes, local parties and local concerts

Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Hip hop matters.

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In fact, hip hop had its humble beginning in 1907s through mix tapes, local parties and local concerts. In the case of apparels, the growth at once. For example, the brand FUBU which had its humble beginning in 1992 became one of the best selling brand in 1999. Being influenced by the hip hop designs, entrepreneurs like Carl Jones and T. J. Walker started designing which laid foundation for the modern-day urban sportswear, thus developing the field into a multi-billion dollar industry. In the case of hip hop music, the way of growth was not so peaceful. There were a number of hurdles to cross. Firstly, the African American culture was long accustomed to R&amp.B which was in harmony with their culture and social norms and the rap that neglected such things was too difficult to digest for them. So, throughout its growth, there were lobbying against rap music. At first, even radio stations hesitated to play rap music as they feared a decline in the number of audience. Though the popularity of rap was clearly visible in the market, retailers failed to accept this reality that the deep rooted R &amp. B gave way to rap music.

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