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Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Personal freedoms.It would seem a perfect situation if there is no drug trade, no terrorism, secure borders and complete order in the country. However if thi

Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Personal freedoms.

It would seem a perfect situation if there is no drug trade, no terrorism, secure borders and complete order in the country. However if this is done at the price of searching one’s belonging more thoroughly, or by performing body scan tests on the airport, then I would not tolerate this invasion of privacy even if this is done in an attempt to curb the terrorism. On the other hand there are many things which appear an invasion on one’s privacy but according to me I think we can sacrifice. For example, if the government keeps a record of my phone history or the books that I have checked out of library, then there is no issue because such information is trivial for me and if it helps in reducing violence and terrorism then I have no problem with this sort of surveillance. It is therefore important that the government tries to exterminate terrorism without taking from people much of their freedom.

Abram, T. (2010, November 13). Personal Freedom and the American Government. Retrieved July 05, 2012, from Freedom Works:

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