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Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Sleeping Beauty.The principal themes in the story sleeping beauty gender empowerment, gender equity, capitalism, equitable sharing of resources, non- discrim

Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Sleeping Beauty.

The principal themes in the story sleeping beauty gender empowerment, gender equity, capitalism, equitable sharing of resources, non- discrimination, democracy, corruption and fairness equity in resource allocation.

Disney movies have incorporated dancing so is the story of sleeping beauty, Disney movies also has a lot of animation using animals as human characters. Sleeping beauty also is an animation type of genre.

The politics of gender in the sleeping beauty champions that gender equity is critical in today’s life. Discrimination on gender is something old fashioned. Equitable participation as depicted in the many women actors in the sleeping beauty story. Women empowerment is a clinical step towards solving domestic challenges. In the story, women can be referred to as the mothers of nature since the play the nurturing role effectively. Increased participation of w indicates the will to grab equal opportunities that come their way in the daily life of the society. In the western culture gender discrimination is

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