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Create a 17 page essay paper that discusses Development and Modernisation.Download file to see previous pages... What are ways in which, the means and methods through which we can attain development T

Create a 17 page essay paper that discusses Development and Modernisation.

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What are ways in which, the means and methods through which we can attain development There can be many. Modernity and modernisation has been one such option. Having risen to concrete, visible and viable existence in the late 18th and early 19th century, modernisation was the new horizon that would revolutionise existing notions of development. Modernisation has been both beneficial and destructive. It is generally the understanding that modernisation has been responsible for the success and wealth of European countries. What one often does not recall is that the process of modernisation, seen as a mile stone in our attempts at progress, need not necessarily be the best manner that reflects development around the world. It is worthwhile to notice that while modernity and processes of modernisation originated in European countries directly influenced by specific socio-historical processes. this has not been the case in most of the former colonies, which are now independent countries. Just as modernisation is a means to development, there have been several indigenous understandings about the manner in which to develop and indeed what development itself means. The rise of modernity and the processes of modernisation that it inspired and fuelled changed all that- not only in the countries where modernity took birth, but also world wide. How did this happen

One of the main features of modernity has been the mass-scale industrialisation that it brought along with it. In fact, it may rightly be said that industrialisation is the defining feature of modernisation. Capitalism and industrialisation together created a powerful source of ambition. one that could sustain itself only by appropriation and aggressive sale. These are the factors that inspired trade companies like the East India Company and subsequently entire empires to move towards colonisation. It may be said that without colonisation and the riches that it brought to Europe, industrialisation and modernisation as we know these phenomena to day, may not have existed, even dies out altogether. Colonisation, or exerting political and administrative power over weaker countries that could not resist Western intervention, was the manner in which resources and raw material required to feed industrialisation was procured. Not only material resources, but also human resource (labour-power) was extracted in this manner. Colonisation ensured that this inflow of resources into Western countries was as profitable as it could be since it did not occur through a fair or equal manner of trade. what was required by Europe was simply taken by them due to their superior military strength and unique socio-political circumstances that existed in regions that became colonised.

Development and Modernisation

Today, it is almost impossible to speak or think about development without a reference to modernisation, and by extension globalisation.

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