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Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper.Download file to see previous pages However, most film versions show the monster just the opposite. In most of the films, the mo

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper.

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However, most film versions show the monster just the opposite. In most of the films, the monster is portrayed as mute or inarticulate to create suspense and drama. I think most movie makers do this because if they made the creature eloquent and expressive, people would have sympathized with the creature and so the ‘evil’ nature of creature as they wish to highlight, to create thrill in the story, would be lost (Kartoffel).

3.) The central conflict in Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper is between the narrator and her dominating husband as she wishes to socialize and write but her husband made her confined to bed. The husband of the narrator uses his authority as a doctor to rule her. The conflict surrounds around narrator’s oppression. The narrator was going through “neurasthenia” as her husband doctor perceived so. She described her feelings to her husband but was overruled by him. The story revolves around the role of women in the XIX century where women were only expected to accomplish their tasks as mothers and wives and were not allowed to pursue their own desires. Her creativity was disparaged by her husband as she depended on her husband for her living. As a rescue, narrator decided to keep a journal to write in which she uses to describe how she was forced to obey her husband and hated her bedroom wallpaper which became her sole obsession till the end of the novel (Gilman).

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