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Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses HLTH 252 DB1.In addition, most of the Americans have the believe that, legal drugs are less addictive and safer as compared to illicit drugs that translate t

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses HLTH 252 DB1.

In addition, most of the Americans have the believe that, legal drugs are less addictive and safer as compared to illicit drugs that translate to extensive use of such drugs regardless of their side effects (Perry, 2013).

The American society promotes extensive use of drugs in many ways. First, various reality shows as well as extensive advertisements of such drugs give the viewers an impression that use of such drugs is safe. Moreover, peer pressure is another factor that encourages the youth in engaging into drug abuse. For example, there is extensive use of drugs in various high school parties across the country regardless of the strict regulation by the government. Most of the legal drugs such as alcohol, cigarettes and the prescription drugs are easily available in the streets making it easy for majority of the Americans to access them. Availability of different social classes in the society enhances extensive use of drugs since most of the individuals in the society tend to abuse drugs in order to fit in such social groups (Brick, 2013)

Biological theory of addition dictates that, continued use of a given substance by the individual results in addition. The theory explains that, introducing a given substance in the body results in overreliance, which limits their chances of withdrawal. On the other hand, sociological theory explains addition based on social influence. For example, the extensive use of drugs by an individual in order to fit in certain groups in the society results in addition. Psychological theory expounds addition based on the individual’s anxiety, as a result, of the use of the drug. The theory recognizes external and the internal factors in addition to emotional experiences that contributes to addiction (Brick, 2013). The psychological theory argues that, individuals result to drug abuse in order to adapt to particular needs as well as external pressures. The best theory that explains drug abuse is

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