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Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses How do the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation and the Scientific Revolution connect with the history of the Greeks and Roma.Download file to see previou

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses How do the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation and the Scientific Revolution connect with the history of the Greeks and Roma.

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The texts were written in Latin and the books that were published were only those that had been approved or written by the church. Since the church declared and controlled literary movement, there were no voices thrown upon them. However, upon the period of Renaissance, Europe’s literature revolution began. People started to write books in vernacular language. Through this, common people found the books more accessible even without knowing Latin and criticisms and criticisms on the church and politics began to rise. People begin to argue upon what is true and what is written in the Bible, from which the texts are written and published by the church itself for which, by reason, were thought by the people to be politically biased and thus, not true. One clear example is tackled by Niccolo Machiavelli. In his “The Prince”, he rejected the common Christian view that the state is an entity under the control of divine power. These brought changes as to exemplifying the vanishing of the control of the church upon literature. Along with the Renaissance, the movement of the Protestant Reformation brought extreme behavioral changes on the Greek and on the Roman cultures and traditions and shaped the whole of Europe’s history. These changes were triggered upon Europe’s views and religion.

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