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Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Is the McDonaldization of societywhether it appears in restaurants, dental clinics, or newspapersalways harmful Or does it also have positive effects Provide

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Is the McDonaldization of societywhether it appears in restaurants, dental clinics, or newspapersalways harmful Or does it also have positive effects Provide several examples to support and illustrate your answer.

oes not only refer to fast food restaurants, but to other aspects of the American lifestyle, such as packaged tours, industrial robots, and highly predictable life. The term “McDonaldization” denotes a rationalization process whose purpose is to replace traditions and values with high levels of rational reasoning. Unlike in the traditional setting, when emotions, traditional belief systems, and value systems served as effective motivators influencing human behavior, rationalization promotes the existence of rational motivators, which can be easily calculated. Therefore, the example of McDonalds is used to represent a paradigm observable in many societies, as a rationalization becomes a common concept. The American culture exhibits the outstanding characteristics of a fast food restaurant such as McDonalds. This paper will present a critique of McDonaldization (Ritzer, 2011).

According to Ritzer, McDonaldization has certain components that have made it a preferable concept in the American society. The rationalization process exhibits a high level of efficiency. Therefore, many organizations can save time because they promote efficiency through rationalization. Predictability is an additional principle of McDonaldization a factor that many people have come to enjoy. Due to the increasing predictability, people already know what to expect, even when they are in new settings (p. 56). Therefore, with increasing predictability, there are lower rates of uncertainty. Organizations seem to be more comfortable with the increasing predictability since they can avoid uncertainty and be sure of the potential outcomes in many situations. Ritzer also highlighted that rationalization promotes calculability, an aspect that promotes quantity instead of quality.

In many organizations, calculability has become a reality as workers are rewarded based on their increased productivity. Only a few organizations give attention to the quality of work done. Rationalization has also

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