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Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Springer's Article on African American Women.Download file "Springer's Article on African American Women" to see previous pages... She argues that feminism h

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Springer's Article on African American Women.

Download file "Springer's Article on African American Women" to see previous pages...

She argues that feminism has lost its connection with empowerment. Women remain locked into a life of being there for everyone else while trying to maintain a sense of self.

The bitter black woman image perpetuates the loss of empowerment or loss of self. "For the films discussed in this essay,

when black women leave work and become homemakers they lose themselves and their connection to being black" (272). This means that black women negate their freedom, and will be seen as lazy for not remaining in the workforce. Black women now have an important duty: to remain educated and uphold the race through continued achievements (272).

Through these achievements, black women are then viewed as divas or evil black bitches. The term diva formerly described lauded opera singers, but is currently defined as "a powerful and entertaining, if pushy and bitchy, woman" (255). The evil black bitches image has risen due to editing methods utilized on reality t.v. shows. These women are seen as villains, manipulate other persons and situations, and are hostile without reason. The power of editing making it possible.

According to Springer, the image that is portrayed within the play Diary of a Mad Black Woman is the bitter black woman.

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