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Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses : Whistler Corporation".The second option is concentrating on enhancing the existing good relationships with the Korean Electronic Company for the ‘low-end

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses : Whistler Corporation".

The second option is concentrating on enhancing the existing good relationships with the Korean Electronic Company for the ‘low-end’ radar detectors suppliers in order to reduce costs and minimize capacity constrains in the domestic manufacturing. The third option is to move production offshore and shut the existing two domestic assembly plants. The best option for Whistler Corporation is to restructure the domestic manufacturing at Westford plant in order to ensure the factory layout creates floor space and manufacturing cycle is minimal. The company should implement the model just-in-time Competitive Edge Through Manufacturing Excellence (RACE-ME) model that will ensure changes in material handling, assembly process, factory layout, quality control and packaging in order to reduce the buffer stock and reduce the throughput time. The company will be capable of owning the design and engineering capabilities and fulfilling large and urgent orders while eliminating waste and ensuring the quality of the products.

The company attained high growth due to its engineering capabilities in the growing radar detectors that offered a riche market as the total number of radar detector sales in the US increased by 450 percent between 1982 to 1987 while annual market growth averaged 35.6 percent. However, the preceding years witnessed fundamental changes as the market was now dominated by mass consumers while distribution chain extended to mass merchandisers and mail-order catalogues. Another significant change was entry of 19 competitors in the market and products under manufacturing contracts in low-cost off-shore producers in Asia reduced the margins significantly (Pisano, p 257).

The manufacturing process was divided in to sub-assembly production and final assembly both located in different locations. The sub-assembly had three internal subassemblies that include microwave, radio frequency (RF) and control subassembly all which

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