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Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses scripture inerrancy. Scripture Inerrancy Thesis ment The reality of the discipleship of Christians is in their ability to proof that indeed the bible is free
Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses scripture inerrancy. Scripture Inerrancy Thesis ment The reality of the discipleship of Christians is in their ability to proof that indeed the bible is free of all errors.
Purpose of the Study
This study will see to achieve three major purposes:
1. Subjecting the bible (scriptures to scrutiny to proof the authenticity of scripture inerrancy
2. Finding the impact and effect of scripture inerrancy on Christianity
3. Exploring ways by which Christians can defend the accuracy of the scriptures to the latter.
Background Literature
The issue of scripture inerrancy has existed in Christian fraternity for a very long time. As far back as April 4, 1953, we read of C. S. Lewis writing a letter to Corbin Carnell on the subject of scripture inerrancy. In the letter, Lewis expressed a lot of reservations about some stories in the bible such as the story of Jonah and the Shark and the story of Esther he raised questions such as
In what sense does the Bible "present" the Jonah story "as historical"? Of course it doesn’t say, "This is fiction," but then neither does our Lord say that the Unjust Judge, Good Samaritan, or Prodigal Son are fiction (I would put Esther in the same category as Jonah for the same reason). (The CRI Voice, 2006)
From the era that such reservations were raised, Christian scholars and even ordinary historians have come clear with findings, facts and proof that try to confirm the perfection of the bible. Scripture inerrancy therefore has to do with the belief that the bible is free from any errors.
The justifications given as far as accuracy of the scriptures is concerned are varied. For example Rhodes (2004) uses several instances of Jesus’ view of the bible to explain why the bible could be regarded as accurate. Some of his defense has to do with
Divine Inspiration: Matthew 22:43. Indestructibility: Matthew 5:17-18. Infallibility: John 10:35. Final Authority: Matthew 4:4,7,10. Historicity: Matthew 12:40. 24:37. Scientific Accuracy: Matthew 19:2-5. Factual Inerrancy: John 17:17. Matthew 22:29. Christ-Centered Unity: Luke 24:27. John 5:39. Spiritual Clarity: Luke 24:25. Faith and Life Sufficiency: Luke 16:31.
Modern theology continues to defend most of these facts about the accuracy of the bible.
Research design
The research design to be employed for this study will be survey research. Research Connections (2011) explain that “Survey research is a commonly used method of collecting information about a population of interest.” In this study, the population of interest will be Christianity. whereby scripture inerrancy shall be bought under strict scrutiny.
Sample Population
The sample population shall be a group of Christian scholars, historians and critics of scripture inerrancy. These three categories of participants will help in ensuring fairness and balance in data collection and presentation of facts in the study. This is to say that the inclusive of critics is necessary in bringing about fairness in the line of argument.
Data collection Procedure
There shall be two major data collection procedures, which will be primary data collection and secondary data collection. Secondary data collection will deal with the collection of data from existing literature on the research topic. These sources shall include academic journals, books and websites and they shall serve as the basis of the literature review of the study. Primary data collection shall on the other hand deal with the collection of data from the field whereby questionnaires and interviews shall be used to collect views and opinions from members of the sample size. The data collected from primary sources shall carefully be presented and interpreted.
Data Analysis
Egger (2008) exemplifies the meaning of data analysis to a person who has to take a decision on the kind of cloth to wear in the morning and considers factors such as weather, place to go and cleanliness of clothes. Out of these considerations, the person comes out with a decision on the kind of cloth to wear. The same thing happens with data analysis in scientific research. The data to be collected through secondary and primary data collection procedures shall be brought under careful consideration based on qualitative and quantitative factors. Conclusions shall then be drawn out of the analysis made. The conclusions shall be in relation to the purpose of the study to identify whether or not the aims of the research where achieved.
Egger Anne E. 2008. Data: Analysis and Interpretation (Accessed September 17, 2011)
Geisler, Norman L., ed. 1981. Biblical Errancy: An Analysis of Its Philosophical Roots. Grand Rapids: Zondervan
Hannah, John D., ed. 1984. Inerrancy and the Church. Chicago: Moody,
Osborne, Grant R. 1992. The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation. Downers Grove: InterVarsity,
Research Connections 2011. Survey Research and Questionnaires (Accessed September 17, 2011)
Rhodes R 2004. The Inspiration, Inerrancy, and Authority of the Bible (Accessed September 17, 2011)
Ryrie, Charles C. 1981. What You Should Know about Inerrancy. Chicago: Moody
Sproul, R. C. 1980. Explaining Inerrancy. Oakland: International Counsel for Biblical Inerrancy
The CRI Voice 2006. C. S. Lewis on Inerrancy, Inspiration, and Historicity of Scripture. (Accessed September 17, 2011)
Turretin, Francis. 1981. The Doctrine of Scripture. Locus 2 of Institutio theologiae elencticae. Edited and trans. John W. Beardslee III. Grand Rapids: Baker
Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge. 1970The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible. Edited by Samuel Craig. Philadelphia: Presbyterian & Reformed.
Wenham, John W. 1984. Christ and the Bible. 2nd ed., Grand Rapids: Baker
Woodbridge, 1982. John D. Biblical Authority: A Critique of the Rogers/McKim Proposal.