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Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses why transfer. Question: Personal Essay This personal essay helps us become acquainted with you as a person and apart from s, grades, test scores, and other o

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses why transfer. Question: Personal Essay This personal essay helps us become acquainted with you as a person and apart from s, grades, test scores, and other objective data. It will also demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself.

Please provide a statement of 250 – 500 words that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve, and attach it to your application before submission.

(629 words)

The reason for my transfer from the University of Washington (UW) is mainly for academic purposes. While UW provides a stimulating environment for undergraduate education and I have been enjoying both studying and campus life in beautiful Seattle, I found my academic interest has changed lately. I recently traveled to several remote areas in the western China, and returned to the village where my family helped build a bridge a few years ago. We helped raise funds in order to build the bridge, because many children die when crossing the river during flood seasons. I discovered that, though the bridge project was going well, the basic living conditions in the village had not improved.&nbsp.However, when I visited another village in a different province in China, I was completely shocked to find that the people led progressive lives, while keeping their tradition and culture intact. Instead of remaining in a progressive rut, they parlayed what they knew of their traditional culture into a briskly functioning art and handicraft industry. They actually had a working business model that I did not expect to see in such a backward village. I realized that my dream to help the other village by spoon feeding them was wrong.

When I explained to my father that we could actually do much more for the village than what we were already doing, he told me that I had the right idea. But without a solid foundation in Business and Economics, I would not be able to put my theories and plans into reality. Then I realized what my true calling was, and began to follow this new career path.

Upon my return to UW, I enrolled in Economics courses and utilizd my free time in a manner that would allow me to mingle and discuss economic theories with my classmates and professors. My diligence and desire have a highly positive relation to the grades that I got in those Economics centered classes. I was averaging a 4.0 in my Macroeconomics, Statistics, and Business Law classes. I enjoyed dipping my feet in the School of Business and Economics pool, and my interest was further fueled by my participation in an information technology project at the Foster School of Business at UW. My impressive performance has convinced me that I am truly ready to become a Business and Economics student.

That is the major reason why I must transfer to a program which provides the best education in economics and business. I am enthusiastically applying for transfer to your university because I know that you can teach me how to fulfill my business and economics ideas. My transcript speaks for itself . I have never backed down from any difficult academic challenge encountered. This transfer will be another completed challenge in my life that will have far reaching benefits for those whose welfare I have in mind.

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