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Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Analytical on film brothers on the line by sasha reuther and muhammad: prophet for our time by karen armstrong.Download file to see previous pages... Analyti

Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Analytical on film brothers on the line by sasha reuther and muhammad: prophet for our time by karen armstrong.

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Analytically, Karen Armstrong offers an insight to people who may have lost hope in what they intend to achieve in life. This is why her book highlights the facts about the man who contributed to the fastest growing religion in the world. Many people believe in Islam and they believe that Muhammad was an insight to many people. The book titled Muhammad: A Prophet of Our Time” offers a captivating picture of the Islam religion founder, which is instrumental in changing the course of the world’s history. This story is pertinent since it offers fundamental insight into the true origin of a religion of Islam that has become radicalized one in the past few decades. The author offers a counter argument that answers those criticizing Islam as violent and fanatical. The author uses logical arguments that offer a clear, balanced and accessible portrait of the central figure of a religion that is increasingly growing. Brothers on the Line by Sasha Reuther In the film Brothers on the Line, Sasha Reuther tells a story of the Reuther brothers: Walter, Roy, and Victor who had devoted their lives to the fight for social justice, forever changing the course of labor relations in the US. ...

Victor Reuther, the most intellectual of the brothers, become the head of the U.A.W.’s international division and Roy Reuther as the union`s political director used their power to help elect Kennedy and push through Medicare, Medicaid, the Voting Rights Act and other landmark legislation. Together, these pieces were so triumphant in pushing up wages and other numerous benefits. It further made Detroit’s Big Three automakers uncompetitive once Japanese imports started flowing in because of the triumph of this piece. Comparing and Contrasting a) Equality In Karen Armstrong’s Muhammad: Prophet for our Time, Muhammad is considered a good individual since he divided the spoils equally among the Emigrants and began negotiations with the Quraysh for an exchange of prisoners for the purposes of uniting people. It also figured out in Reuther’s film which caused brutal battles to the Auto Company thugs. Workers formed strikes and established UAW union to fight for equity and civil rights in efforts to boycott working. This remains an essential step in ensuring those workers are treated equally and in a conducing environment. b) Role of woman Karen Armstrong shows that Quran was attempting to give women a legal status that most Western women would not enjoy until the nineteenth century and the emancipation of women was a project dear to the Prophet’s heart. In Reuther’s film, women are instrumental in the process of ensuring that the workplace is a better place since they form a brigade aiming at ensuring that women receive better treatment. Through the movie, women form the Women’s Auxiliary Brigade that assisted in ending the Sit-Down Strike.

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