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Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Imagine being able to join a conversation between two people, living or deceased. Identify the people and topic and express what you would like to ask and le

Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Imagine being able to join a conversation between two people, living or deceased. Identify the people and topic and express what you would like to ask and learn from them.

He worked towards developing his students’ potential ability to the fullest through moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education.

Confucius started off as a shepherd, and worked as a trumpeter and then as a storekeeper. Despite such background, he went on to become a learned, renowned scholar.

In my conversation with him, I’d like to learn what it was that inspired him to study humanity so closely and how he managed to do so independently. What was it about his surroundings that helped him form such profound philosophies that are being studied thousands of years later? How did he know exactly what to write about, exactly what to teach his disciples, that would have such long lasting effects on them?

In his philosophy, he has talked about loving people that are beyond your immediate family i.e. love for all mankind. His times were far different than ours. The world was a far more peaceful place than it is today. I would like to talk to him about how his teachings can be implemented today in a world where humanity is one of the least found virtues among people. These days we live in societies where everyone lives for himself. Even the institution of family is losing its meaning. How does one work on humanity in such conditions? One quote by Confucius states: "You yourself want to stand up in the world, than help others to do the same. You yourself want success, then help others to do the same." Getting people to follow this philosophy is impossible in today’s world where everyone is ready to trample over others’ success to get their own, where one person’s success is a cause of bitterness for others. How does one manifest such virtues among people in a world like this?

In his philosophy for humanity, Confucius also called for equality of education. He says, "Instruction recognizes no castes.” This would possibly be one of his most beautiful, most beneficial

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