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Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Romantic poetry is characterised by a quest for ideals. Do you agree Make sure you refer closely to William Blake and Helen Maria Williams poems in your answ

Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Romantic poetry is characterised by a quest for ideals. Do you agree Make sure you refer closely to William Blake and Helen Maria Williams poems in your answer.

with romantic but it is mainly a global artistic and a philosophical movement that gave a new definition to the original ways culture hence it gave a more suiting definition to the culture of the western people in terms of how regarded themselves and their thoughts about the world they live in.

Early romantic period coincides more with age of revolutions. the revolution age is an age of mayhem in economic, political and social traditions, this age literally witnessed the original renovation of industrial revolution, the revolutionary is also at the center of romanticism that aims at transforming not the theory and practice of poetry only but also the way people perceive the world at large. The major precepts have survived in the twentieth century and they still have great effect in the contemporary period. Romantic poetry is associated with or rather it talks more about. imaginations, symbolism and myth, nature, emotion, lyric poetry and the self.

Nature resents many things to the romantic poetry which include. mystery, healing power, source to some objects and images, artificial constructs of civilization. Romantic gives nature a greater attention as it describes both the natural phenomena correctly and capturing of the sensuous nuance, romantic nature poetry is considered to be a poetry that involves more meditation (English Department 2009, p1).

Symbolism and myth are given enormous prominence in the romantic formation of art, symbols in romantic poetry are considered to be more of human visual correlatives to that of nature’s emblematic language. The symbols are largely valued as they can at the same time suggest many different things. they are also very superior to one on one communications of the allegory.

Imagination is taken to be a supreme faculty of the mind. in romanticism, imagination is defined and gets to be presented as an ultimate shaping or rather a creative power. It (imagination) is the main faculty in the creation of all art as it is a

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