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Create a 4 page essay paper that discusses Guam Governor Island Address.Download file to see previous pages... He lauds the growth in the private sector and that many business permits have been issued

Create a 4 page essay paper that discusses Guam Governor Island Address.

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He lauds the growth in the private sector and that many business permits have been issued as well as the licensing of over a thousand private contractors, which is attributed by the reduced restrictions to investments resulting in job growth. Moreover, educational reforms have been instituted enabling more children to enroll in school and to stand better chances of employment, and this has also benefited adult learners. in addition, he claims that the education system still requires to be adjusted for it to be both practical and match to international standards. Moreover, he discusses ways to solve housing crisis, the projects in place to build 3000 units by 2017, the achievements made in solving land crisis are mentioned, and he promises to ensure food production is improved for the island to become self-sufficient. These developments will improve the tourism sector and hopes to see tourist hotels fill up, he projects that the Russian and Chinese markets will continue to grow resulting in additional tourists (Calvo 8). Furthermore, he mentions the revitalization of the Hagatna highway and promises that more roads will be developed. museums of the local culture would also be constructed, and that the Guam museum is already under construction. He criticizes the rising cost power and proposes the use of GPA and CCU systems, which would reduce the cost, but also the environment, damage (Calvo 9). He also discusses the need for lifestyle change since the three top killers, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer were lifestyle related, and many people have no access to medical care and the main hospital needs more funding to cover the needs of everyone (Calvo 4). He addresses the need for more projects to honor and assists the veterans and war heroes in making smooth transitions. in addition to the poor and voiceless such as those afflicted with mental problems will be considered. He announces that in his tenure, tax refunds have been prompt and compensation has been completive, he also claims that there have not been new taxes and employees are rewarded on the basis of merit in order to motivate them. He mentions victories in the fight against corruption and discusses the importance of transparency, and pledges to solve understaffing in the police force and congratulates them for a good job, and he assures resident that his administration would crack down crimes, especially the sexual predators with the collaboration of the police. He critics the federal government concerning the funding crisis and imbalance between the state and federal government, and promises to do all he can to fix this to the extent of suing the federal authorities. Finally, he calls the people’s attention to the changes in government over the last few years and its increased efficiency under his governance, he promises in time to turn the extraordinary to commonplace in Guam. Response Drawing from the speech, it is evident that the governor is confident and proud of the accomplishments achieved in his tenure and rightfully so, from the PDFs provided, the claims in his speech are much more than political rhetoric. He makes a clear, coherent and well-organized presentation supported by statistical and concrete evidence, thus, he engenderers the transparency he is trying to institute and thus leads by example.

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