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Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses anna in the tropics. However, tragedy occurs when Juan, a lector, gets romantically involved with one of the wives of the factory men. This causes resentment

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses anna in the tropics. However, tragedy occurs when Juan, a lector, gets romantically involved with one of the wives of the factory men. This causes resentment and hatred towards the lectors. To add salt to an injury, Cheche’s wife leaves him for one of the lectors (Cruz, 57). It is psychological war. The hero suffers because they have good looks and are more enlightened. “Our culture [civilization] demands other sacrifices besides that of sexual gratification” (Hegel qtd in Aiello slide 29).&nbsp. &nbsp.&nbsp. According to Hegel, tragedy occurs when there is a collision between “two goods”. Both heroes, the “two goods” end up in tragedy. From the play, the opposing goods can be loosely interpreted as follows: The lectors are supposed to teach the workers to be literate, so that they can start working with the machines in the farms. As a result of love and the tragedies they created, the workers hate them. This means that relationship within them will be sore. The adoption of machines as suggested by Cheche is not a welcome move to the workers who feel that they will lose their jobs. Conchita’s beauty causes tragedy (Cruz, 36). She leaves her husband and sleeps with Marela’s husband. In revenge, Marela sleeps with Juan. Lovers are doomed, and this affects work at the factory. &nbsp.The collision between “goods”-what was originally perceived to be good-and the real turn of events, causes the misfortune at the end of the play.

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