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Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses public online (fund/ investment related) service comparison report.

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses public online (fund/ investment related) service comparison report. This has influenced business and the market economies that are changing tremendously. Financial organizations for example, are partnering up strong domain skills in technology and implementation expertise. One of the primary objectives why banks have adopted information technology is solidly to gain a competitive edge in the global economy. Thus offering financial services with lower costs to clients, and also enhancing market enlargement without incorporating new physical structures. Computing infrastructure and integrated applications do enhance a reliable computing environment that is comprehensive, cost effective and robust. Khalfan A (2004)

The AIA website so static and literally dead, since it has no active link that could easily give more detailed information to the client. Precisely the site should include menu bar like frequently asked questions (FAQ) this would help clients to know the companys expectations. The AIA should integrate a thorough online banking solution that renders state-of the-art standards. For example by including about us menu tabs clients can have an access into the companys domain and get reliable information on what the company offers. The supporting bodies should have been links leading to comprehensive information. The reliability would rather help clients achieve optimum satisfaction. The AIA website should be modified to provide the value for clients money. The site is also not categorical what it offers, which call for the inclusion of the products and services offered under about us menu.

World trend of websites support integrated real-time payment solutions and electronic secure document solutions, the AIA on the other hand is so inert that one can hardly notice any sign of life.

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